Η μαθήτριά μου  του Γ3 [2013-2014], Όλγα Μίχου,

χρησιμοποίησε τα διαδικτυακά λεξικά αγγλικής

και δημιούργησε τον εξής κατάλογο

“χρωματικών” ιδιωματισμών & εκφράσεων:


  • Green

His brother’s success made him green with envy.

feeling envy=νιώθω φθόνο/ζήλεια



She arrived at the company she was still very green but eager to learn.


not having training, knowledge, or experience= δεν έχω την εκπαίδευση, την γνώση,την εμπειρία/απειρος


Our flight hit some turbulence, and half the passengers started turninggreen.


having a pale or sick appearance= γίνομαι χλωμός


She only buys products from green companies.


concerned with protecting the environment= αυτός που σκέφτεται/φροντίζει το περιβάλλον

  • Yellow

He was too yellow to stand up and fight.

afraid in a way that makes you unable to do what is right or expected/cowardly= άνανδρος

I caught yellow fever on a trip to Africa.


infectious febrile disease=  κίτρινος πυρετός


The yellow jacket buzzed angrily around her head, threatening to sting at any moment.


wasp= σφύκα


  • Red


His face turns red when he gets angry.


red because of embarrassment, anger= νιώθω θυμό/ντροπή

Her eyes were red from crying.
having many red lines from lack of sleep, drunkenness/bloodshot=κόκκινα μάτια λόγω αυπνίας/μέθης

Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body.


red corpuscle: component of blood= ερυθρό αιμοσφαίριο


All the hospitals are on red alert.


a warning that there is very great danger= συναγερμός για έκτακτη ανάγκη




Prepare yourself for a lot of red tape when buying a house in Italy.


bureaucracy= γραφειοκρατία

  • Blue


I’ve told my daughter to pick up her clothes until I’m blue in the face.


completely exasperated= εξοργισμένος, νευριασμένος

Her hands and feet are blue with cold

blue from being exposed to cold for too long= παγωμένος

true blue fan remains loyal even when his team loses.

faithful/loyal= αφοσιωμένος/πιστός

There are many types of blue cheese, Roquefort and Stilton are the most famous.

soft veined cheese= ροκφόρ(τυρί)

My art teacher is really blue-sky and produces really original work.

He was more blue-sky than the other students.

creative, imaginative= δημιουργικός, ευφάνταστος, ευρηματικός


  • Black



His hand were black with grime.


very dirty= βρόμικος


Black coffee is a traditional hangover remedy.


served without cream or milk= σερβιρισμένο χωρίς κρέμα ή γάλα/σκέτος καφές


When they heard the terrible news, they were filled with black despair.


very sad or hopeless/ bleak= λυπητερός/ ζοφερός


The jazz singer had a black eye for singing both ballads and uptempo songs.


bad reputation= κακή φήμη


He had a black eye after the fight.


bruising around the eye=μαυρισμένο μάτι


My friends always tell me that I have black humor.


jokes or funny stories that deal with the unpleasant parts of human life=μακάβριο χιούμορ


  • White




We were hoping for a white Christmas.


a Christmas when there is snow on the ground or when it is snowing = «λευκά» Χριστούγεννα / χιονισμένα


It’s often kinder to tell white lies rather than the whole truth


fib= αθώο ψεματάκι


Cooking him his favourite meal is her way of showing a white flag.

surrender= ανακωχή

President Obama and family are the current residents of the White House.
official residence of US President= Λευκός Οίκος


I don’t like tea; I prefer white coffee with sugar.
coffee served with milk= καφές με γάλα


The bad news about her brother being in hospital made her turn white.

pale/ shocked= χλομιάζω / κιτρινίζω


Veronica’s had a lot of boyfriends: she’s not as snow-white as she seems.

pure, innocent=  άσπιλος, αγνός, αθώος