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Qwwwiz : Stay safe on line, #SaferInternet4EU Awards

Qwwwiz : Stay safe on line is an application for Android devices, which was created by 5 students of the 10th class of the Senior High School of Tychero, first in  Greek and then it was translated in 3 more  languages English, German and Frence.

The main idea was the development of an application quiz, where the target group is students at the age of 10 and above, since the online involvement of children is intense at this age.

How can this app influence children?
  • To encourage young people to think critically and make choices while they are on line.
  • To make them understand that we can all make Internet a better place by choosing to be responsible and positive users.
  • To give them information and advice about e safety in a different environment from the traditional lecture setting.
Description of the Quiz

The quiz is consisted of 20 questions which describe the everyday activities of a young person in the digital world. For each question, there are 2 option answers given, from which the user is asked to choose the one that best reflects his/her Internet habits and behaviors.

Figure1. Screenshots

Once the choice is made, the application informs the user whether the answer is correct or not. In the end, the total score is shown as a percentage. The app is tackling topics such as fake news, cyberbullying, privacy concerns, on line gaming etc.

Some of the questions are given below;

Question 17/20; You are reading the following news on the Internet: “Category 6? If hurricane Irma becomes the strongest hurricane in new history, it could wipe entire cities off the map”. What are you doing?

  A. You send the link to all of your friends on social media. Everyone must be informed.

B. It is a clickbait, so you just ignore it and you do not share it with the others.

 Question 20/20; You are downloading a new painting application from the Google Play Store which asks you to have access into your contacts, your location and your photo gallery. What are you doing?

A. I am searching for another application, which does not ask to have any access to so many personal data. How are they going to be used?

  B. I press OK and I install it.

 Implementation of Project Work

Students divided the team’s workload in the following way;One student was responsible to collect information, form the texts  in Greek and select   images. Two students were responsible to develop the application on App Inventor. Two students translated all the texts into English and German .

The students were experienced in/ familiarzed with coding with App Inventor according to the curriculum. All the images are free to use. Some of them are created and edited by students or have been chosen from the internet as marked for non-commercial re-use.

                                                    Figure2. The code in AppInventor

The application, was given to a team of students who tested it. The developers’ team made all the necessary corrections and improvements based on students’ feedback.

Promotion events

Our school, which has the Gold Label in the program E-safety Label of EUN, organized 2 events (one for primary education students and their parents and the second one for secondary education students ) in order to celebrate the  Safer Internet Day (SID2018).

Figure3. Public presentation of the project, SID2018

On this event the app was presented by role playing.

The app was shown on the main screen with two possible answers, A and B , per question.The teacher was asking the question which was on the screen and two of the creators had the roles of the A and B answers.Two cards were given to the audience, one card per answer and they voted by raising the card they thought was the right choice.

Unique or success elements of this best practice

The most remarkable feature of this best practice is that seniors students educate junior students in Safer Internet and act as Mentors to them. Moreover, the tool that they choose for this purpose is a mobile app.

  • A mobile app is a great tool that can be used in education in order to offer information outside the lecture as well as to assess the knowledge.
  • Question and choices are formed in a way to capture moments of children’s everyday digital experience so that users can easily apply the knowledge to their daily lives.
  • Questions are written in a simple structure that is easy to understand and the answer options are clear.
  • Learning at any time and in any place, there is no need for a trainer to be present
  • App’s code In AppInventor is easily expandable and modifiable, it’s easy to adapt the material, to include changes in new versions of applications
  • Children, the apps’ target audience, utilize a variety of web applications on a daily basis. Therefore an app is an attractive tool to be used for educational purposes, which encourages them to think outside the classroom box.

There are also benefits for the creators too.

  • While working on this project, students had the chance to develop the 21th century skills and apply the knowledge they have gained in the teaching subject of Informatics.

The application is available on Google Play, here

                                                                                        Figure4. Our app on Google Play