Educational Visit To Ladonas Hydroelectric Plant

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Last Wednesday we visited the Ladonas  hydroelectric plant located 20km away from our school. This plant was constructed in the 1950s and it is still running. It is connected with the nearby Ladon lake and produces large amounts of electric energy per year. A large tunnel of approximately 8 km connects the lake with the factory and transfers water necessary for energy production. Moreover, the plant has got zero carbon footprint and it is a vital source of energy for the area and the country as a whole .

In the visit the students were welcomed by the director of the plant Mr Stathas who informed them about the plant’s history and about the rules and regulations of operation. Moreover, they took a tour of the newly founded museum where they saw important objects that belonged to the factory and aren’t in use now.  

It was a very informative visit and students got familiar with the principles of alternative means of energy and acknowledged their value


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