COVID-19 Advice for the Public (World Health Organization)-Learn and Reflect

Pandemics: The Big Picture

“Pandemics: The Big Picture” από World Economic Forum διατίθεται με άδεια χρήσης CC by-nc-sa-2.0

STEP 1: Load the following link. Read and/or watch the basic measures that WHO (World Health Organization) proposes to protect yourself and others against the new coronavirus. Use an online dictionary to help you with vocabulary.

STEP 2: Take two online quizzes to check your knowledge on coronavirus.

STEP 3: Answer the following questions.

QUESTIONS: Which basic protective measure from the ones you read in STEP 1 do you find the most difficult to follow? Why? What can you do/have you already done to refine your habits?  Is there any tip you can share to help others follow this protective measure? How can this measure help you and the community? How do you spend your day now that we are all staying at home?

April Fool’s Day In Artistic Lies

Σχετική εικόνα

This quote by Pablo Picaso is a perfect match to the Day!

Celebrate the annual tradition of April Fools’ Day in a completely different way. Instead of playing practical jokes on each other, explore how “lies” and deception can create art, op art! Op art is short for ‘optical art’. The word optical is used to describe things that relate to how we see. Op art works like an optical Illusion. Artists use shapes, colours and patterns in special ways to create images that look as if they are moving, curving or blurring. When looking at Op art, our brain is deceived into believing a complete lie! The Op art movement was inspired by advances in computing, aerospace, and television in the 60’s.

Find a selection of Op art worksheets below to get creative and talk about shapes, lines and the feelings you receive. A list of descriptive words to critique art may come handy!

Op Art Worksheets at

Op Art Worksheets and Optical Illusions at

Op Art in Steps at

Op Art inspired by Vasarely at

Back to School Activities and Motivation



Browsing around for new school year first day ideas, I came upon some activities that would be interesting to try out. I also found some classroom posters that are really cool. So here they are:

1] TeamExercises is a youtube channel full of team games that can be used throughout the school year. You can absolutely find a game to start the day!

2] A first day lesson proposal that uses poetry and can match all levels.

3] Just a reminder for Categories, the classic vocabulary game that most students love playing and can be adapted to match a first day by asking for classroom objects or school subjects or school routine verbs!

4] Free download colourful icebreakers along with suggestions on how to use them.

5] 10 Motivational Posters for Your Classroom to brighten up the space and also generate discussion about classroom rules and moods!

6] Finally, an article on how to be kind to ESL learners!

If crafting sounds as a more appealing first day activity, here’s an older entry with some ideas: last-minute-new-school-year-crafts

Salad Decoration: Know Your Fruit And Vegetables!


Summer indulges us in fruits and vegetables inspiring nutritious creativity! Either for a party or our personal pleasure, salads can be refreshing not only to our palate but eyes, too. Have a look at this collection of what I think easy and impressive salad decoration ideas along with their instructions.


Beginner or not, revise and play with some fruit and vegetables vocabulary with the following resources.



Listening matching game at

Fruits Listening Memory Game and  Vegetables Listening Memory Game at

Fruits crossword puzzle and Vegetables crossword puzzle at

Choose the kind of word game you like at for fruit and vegetables


Vegetables vocabulary quiz at

Comprehension exercises at and

Fruit listening quizzes and Vegetables listening quizzes at

Two Poems About Rain

P5041960 -A

Rain In Summer

How beautiful is the rain!
After the dust and heat,
In the broad and fiery street,
In the narrow lane,
How beautiful is the rain!
How it clatters along the roofs
Like the tramp of hoofs!
How it gushes and struggles out
From the throat of the overflowing spout!
Across the window-pane
It pours and pours;
And swift and wide,
With a muddy tide,
Like a river down the gutter roars
The rain, the welcome rain!

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)

April Rain Song

Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk.
The rain makes running pools in the gutter.
The rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at night –
And I love the rain.

Langston Hughes (1902-1967)

Read the poems. List all the verbs that the poets use for the rain. Describe the images of the rain in each poem. Are there any similes in the poems? Compare the two poems: how are they similar/different? What feelings do you get from them?

You can copy these poems on a template or write your own and create some art. Get inspired!

Basketball Shape Poem

Read more


Biology Frenzy


Are you mad for Biology or do you feel like exploring this field? Here is a list of relevant links to study, play and learn Biology.

A science website for kids from the American Museum of Natural History.

Biochemistry quiz     (you can change the settings and select study-cards, learn, speller etc or even modify the type of quiz questions)

Biology vocabulary quiz  at

Biology vocabulary quiz at
Play Quiz: The Amazing World of Biology! now!

The Biology Project is an interactive online resource for learning biology, developed at The University of Arizona.

Biology games at

Free Biology worksheets at

When Slang Vocabulary Becomes Official

Do you know and use any slang words and phrases? Do you rock your slang vocabulary or does it often deck you?

Browse the following links to find: