Unusual Greek Customs-Project by Grade E





 The students of Class E1 prepared and displayed their project on “Unusual Greek Customs”. The customs chosen were “The Day of Babo” and “First Weekend of Lent”. It was an excellent activity for the students to investigate, learn new vocabulary, use the Present Simple, collaborate.

Here comes the procedure followed:

  1. introduction of the project topic
  2. assigning the students with the task of finding information in Greek about 2-3 unusual Greek customs
  3. having each student choose one custom and describe it in brief in class
  4. recording each custom on the board
  5. having the students vote for two of the most interesting customs
  6. assigning two different students with the task of writing a brief description of each custom and bringing it in the next class
  7. distribution of these descriptions in photocopies
  8. board translation of the descriptions by the whole class (great collaboration kids!)
  9. assigning different tasks to the students: bring stationary, engross text, find photos, write captions, help with the layout, etc.
  10. composing the final pieces

In order to help my students better understand and organise their information I also handed them the following questions to answer:

  1. Where does this custom take place?
  2. When does it take place?
  3. What does this custom celebrate?
  4. Who can take part?
  5. What do people do this day?
  6. Where does this custom come from?

Amazing work, dear students!

Present Continuous – Present Simple (Interactive Presentation) / Ενεστώτας Διαρκείας – Ενεστώτας Απλός (Διαδραστική Παρουσίαση)

Check yourself on these two Present Tenses with the following interactive presentation. You can click on the slides to see the correct answers.

[slideboom id=867736&w=425&h=370]

Not sure you remember the tenses well? Move on and revise the rules for

1)Present Continuous

[slideboom id=451173&w=425&h=370]

2)Present Simple statements

[slideboom id=489800&w=425&h=370]

3)Present Simple questions and negatives

[slideboom id=493405&w=425&h=370]

Past Tenses, Used to and Would practice

To do the exercises, click on the pictures. There is a description for every exercise next to the picture.


girl-with-rosesa) sentence word order                          girl-with-rosesb) used to/ past simple/ past continuous

                 by ESL Athabasca University under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 


boy-reading a) all functions of WOULD                        by  http://www.englishclub.com


boy-readinga) True/False reading comprehension


F1 driver Lewis Hamilton information and quiz

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It’s fast, it’s spectacular, it’s a hall of fame for every driver. That’s Formula One Races!The 2013 season is half way through. Who is going to be the winner this year? Until you guess, have a look at F1 driver Lewis Hamilton, get to know him and do the quizes.

 The first video comes back from Hamilton’s past, when he was rising as a go kart star. Watch it and do this quiz.

This second video is a short review of his life and the special connection he has with one of his racing cars. Watch and answer the questions that follow. You can find the answers further down this page.

  1. Why did Lewis Hamilton make history in 2008?
  2. How old was he then?
  3. Where is his victorious MP4-23 now?
  4. Complete the gaps:  He claimed the title at the last  a] __________, last b]__________, before the finish c]__________.
  5. What was the maximum weight that a racing car was allowed to have back in 1934?
  6. What problem did the mechanics notice during the first practicing race?
  7. How did the mechanics deal with this problem ?
  8. Why did the press call those racing cars ‘the Silver Arrows”?

 Lewis left McLaren after the 2012 season and  joined the Mercedes-Benz  team for the 2013 season onwards. Here’s an interview of him talking about how he feels in the new team.

Here’s another video of his driving accomplishments while he competed with the Mc Laren team.

You can read all about him here and then do the following quizes:

QUIZ1  from   http://news.bbc.co.uk   and

QUIZ2  from  http://www.funtrivia.com

Bare in mind though that they were last updated in 2007.

Suggested answers for the second video

  1. He was the youngest World Champion of all times.
  2. He was 23 years old.
  3. It is at the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart. 
  4. a]race  b]curve  c]line
  5. It was allowed to weigh a maximum of 750 kilos.
  6. The car weighed just a bit over 750 kilos.
  7. They took the white paint off their racing car to make it lighter.
  8. Because of the unpainted metal of the racing cars.