COVID-19 Advice for the Public (World Health Organization)-Learn and Reflect

Pandemics: The Big Picture

“Pandemics: The Big Picture” από World Economic Forum διατίθεται με άδεια χρήσης CC by-nc-sa-2.0

STEP 1: Load the following link. Read and/or watch the basic measures that WHO (World Health Organization) proposes to protect yourself and others against the new coronavirus. Use an online dictionary to help you with vocabulary.

STEP 2: Take two online quizzes to check your knowledge on coronavirus.

STEP 3: Answer the following questions.

QUESTIONS: Which basic protective measure from the ones you read in STEP 1 do you find the most difficult to follow? Why? What can you do/have you already done to refine your habits?  Is there any tip you can share to help others follow this protective measure? How can this measure help you and the community? How do you spend your day now that we are all staying at home?