Simple Opinion Essay Plan and Useful Links

From “Which make better pets, cats or dogs?” to “Truth: Is it absolute or relative?” the list of opinion essay topics can be infinite. An opinion essay is a type of formal essay where the writer expresses their personal viewpoint on a particular topic.

The essay can be short or lengthy, depending upon the range of  ideas or the word limit according to a particular exam type. Whatever the case, follow the regular essay guidelines and stick to your topic. Be clear, support with examples, use connectors to smoothly link one point to the next, avoid repetition and always prepare a plan to follow. Here’s a simplified one for you:


Are you more of an audio-visual type? Watch the following video to clarify any points on how to write an opinion essay.

Examples of Opinion Essays   Essays listed by topic and category
Guidelines and exercises
Prompts and food for thought
Finally, the following chart from briefly presents some common connectors to use in your essay. 

An Underground Park

Why would anyone think of building an underground park? Where is it going to be built? Who has designed this park? Well, read all about it in this article here or watch the relevant videos and find out. You are challenged to answer the following questions:

  1. What is New York City’s High Line and how is it connected to the Lowline?
  2. How is the Lowline connected to a revitalization project?

What Is A Phrasal Verb?

phrasal verbs2

Phrasal verbs are an important part of the English language, because they are very common in spoken English and informal texts. Native speakers would probably say  “The concert was put off” rather than “The concert was postponed”, so make sure you learn as many of them as possible by practising them regularly. Remember that they should be avoided in formal writing. 

Still, what are phrasal verbs? What are they made up of? Is it easy for you to figure out their meaning? Do you often mix them up? If you have followed this introduction up to here, you definetely understand a few of them, since the highligted words are examples of phrasal verbs.

Get down to studying phrasal verbs with the following resources. You will find definition, syntax and types of phrasal verbs as well as a few quizes to practise them. 

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English for Greek University Exams:On-line Resources / Ειδικό Μάθημα Αγγλικά:Διαδικτυακά Τεστ και Υλικό Εξάσκησης


The following links lead to exercises or tests that can help you revise and test your knowledge of the English language at an intermediate to advanced level (B2-C2). Because of their level, they are appropriate for Greek University Candidates who wish to have an overall evaluation of their competence.


Short exercises at

Quizes at

Test at


Intermediate at

Upper-Intermediate at

Advanced at

Intermediate at

Advanced at

Intermediate/Advanced at


Guide and exercises at  


Tests at

Tests at

IELTS reading and writing tests at  (check the writing tasks because there are model answers)

IELTS sample tests at  (check the writing tasks because there are model answers)


You may also be interested to check the rest of the resources labeled “Exams” and  “Ειδικό Μάθημα Αγγλικά” from the unit on the right.



May Day in Australia – An Article from the 80’s

1st may

Click here to go to a page. Scroll to the middle of the page to find the article titled «May Day» which was published  in The Age, 1 May, 1981. You can decrease or enlarge the page by clicking on the magnifying button.

Read the article and do the following tasks:

A) Match the words with their definition:

  1. tenuous                           to allow
  2. inciting                            summarizing  
  3. institution                       to start, to open      
  4. to grant                           fixture
  5. to launch                         urging 
  6. outlining                          weak,questionable

B) Answer the questions

  1. Why was the International Workers’ Day first held?
  2. Where and when did the International Workers’ Day first begin?
  3. Who organized the march?
  4. What happened during the march?
  5. Why were four union leaders arrested and hanged?
  6. Why do we celebrate the International Workers’ Day?

C) True or False?

  1. In many countries May Day is an official out of work day for the citizens.
  2. Australia was a pioneer in allowing 8 hours work a day. 
  3. In Australia the 8 hours work demand started by people working in Melbourne’s Parliament.
  4. In Australia the 8 hours work demand started with a strike.

D) Answer briefly

  1. How does the writer explain the  “more casual approach” to celebrating May Day in Australia?
  2. How did “stubbornness” help workers in Australia establish 8 hours work a day?



  1. tenuous                           weak,questionable
  2. inciting                            urging
  3. institution                      fixture
  4. to grant                           to allow
  5. to launch                        to start, to open
  6. outlining                         summarizing


  1. It was a demostration aiming to establish 8 hours work a day.
  2. It began in Chicago on 1 May 1886.
  3. The march was organized by American and Canadian trade union leaders.
  4. Six workers were shot dead by the police.
  5. They were accused of causing violence and political subversion.
  6. To honor and commemorate the 1886 workers’ struggle and sacrifice to establish an eight-hour work day.


  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True

D) (suggested answers)

  1. The writer thinks that May Day in Australia isn’t celebrated in a solemn way, because labor rights were won easily.
  2. They collectively stopped working and made it clear that they would not go back to work until their demands were met. This attitude made the emloyers give in.

These exercises are my personal work aiming to provide esl/efl practice for use at home or in the classroom. They are not for commercial use. If you happen to like them, please do not redistribute, but rather suggest a link back to this page.

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Improve your Writing with Transitional Words and Phrases-Βελτίωσε το γραπτό σου με συνδετικές λέξεις και φράσεις

A bumpy writing ride

Transitional words and phrases are used to connect one idea to the next. They show how the main idea and its further development are connected within a paragraph or within a sentence. They are like the asphalt (bitumen) that glues the materials of the road surface together.

If the amount of the asphalt is little or of bad quality, then the road surface will come out cracky and rough, and our ride rather bumpy. Likewise, if we use little or inappropiate transitions in our writing, the meanings will be disorganised and the reader will not be able to read smoothly from one point to the next.

On the other hand, too many transitional phrases make our writing unnatural. Thus, it is necessary to fully understand what kind of transitions there are and how they are used.

Two helpful lists follow: the first includes some basic transitional words and phrases  and the second presents links to examples and exercises. 

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