When Slang Vocabulary Becomes Official

Do you know and use any slang words and phrases? Do you rock your slang vocabulary or does it often deck you?

Browse the following links to find:

Sugar – A Song And Some Food Idioms

I accidentally heard this song in the beginning of the summer as I was browsing the radio stations in my car and it struck me with awe. I absolutely loved its melody and quiet but arresting melancholy. What do you think it is about? Who is the singer talking to? Can you explain these phrases: “I want you to realize when I’m gone” and “There’s sugar on your soul” ?

Find the song lyrics here.

Sugar is loved by everyone. What about sugar and food idioms? Look below for definitions and quizes.












Are These Back-To-School Tips Good Enough For You?



photo credit: pixabay.com

Happy or not, the new school year is starting soon and all kinds of tips and advice on how to prepare best for it swarm in mind. From back-to-school essentials to organizational skills or strengthening of social life all contribute to a hopeful and exciting school year.

The following USNews article, 3-Back-To-School-Resolutions-for-High-School-Students  by Alexandra Pannoni focuses on just three essential resolutions that can prompt speculation and discussion in the EFL classroom during the first days. Read the article and find out what these resolutions are. Then use the extra links to formulate a wider view on the issues involved so you can state your personal opinion.

The whole activity could also generate various writing tasks like opinion essays or a collaborative table of Best Tips For A Successful School Year.


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Regular Houses VS Tiny Houses: Are You For Or Against Micro-Living?

photo credit: https://littleyellowdoor.wordpress.com/

Would you do it? Would you deny regular home space and fit your needs into the size of, say, a roomy shed? In fact, this is already happening around the globe. The tiny house movement has been swelling in the past few years while lifestyles, needs and consequently house sizes are shrinking. This trend has even found ground at schools as a project idea.

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