The Singing Tree: An Interactive Installation

Technology, art and inspiration have combined into a glorious interactive Christmas tree in the halls of the  world’s largest museum of decorative arts and design, the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London. Every year, the museum commissions a designer to create a Christmas tree for the Museum’s Grand Entrance. This year, it’s the set designer Es Devlin who has installed a mesmerizing, constantly changing audiovisual Christmas tree, to which you are asked to contribute. You don’t have to be in the city to do so. You can actually do it online! Watch the video below to see how this year’s tree was made, where Es Devlin’s inspiration came from and how people actually transform the tree. For more information visit the relevant page and if you feel like it, contribute your own wish-word to the tree!



Christmas History Facts: How Much Don’t You Know?

Watch and answer the following questions about Christmas.

  1. When did Christians not celebrate Christmas?
  2. When did 25th December become the official celebration date of Christmas?
  3. How would anyone celebrating Christmas be punished in Massachusetts, USA around 1644? Why?
  4. How did modern Christmas customs begin?
  5. How is gift giving related to religion?
  6. How did Santa Claus get his red costume?

Merry Christmas With Mr Bean-Lesson Plan and Worksheet

Are you looking for a fun way to introduce some seasonal vocabulary, customs and activities to spend this year’s last school day? Well, how about watching a Mr Bean episode with your class? That’s what I did last year with my Grade 6 pupils and it was great success because it seems they are never bored with Mr Bean. Moreover, they were really motivated to do the worksheet activities since they all enjoyed the story.

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Play Simon Says with Santa

Christmas santas graphics

Ok, Santa has done all the difficult work having delivered everybody’s gifts, but he is not tired yet and he wants to have some fun! Would you like to play Simon Says with Santa Claus? Just click on the picture and start giving commands!

Christmas Lesson Plan with Grade E / Χριστουγεννιάτικο Σχέδιο Μαθήματος με την Πέμπτη Τάξη

roll paper wish-houses

Being motivated by the wonderful crafts site , (which I presented in an earlier article here), I came up with a two-days lesson plan that included various activities, culminating in the construction of these roll paper wish-houses.

The aim of the lessons was to create a relaxed Christmas mood, where the language skills would be practiced effortlessly and where pupils could demonstrate other skills like imagination, designing and crafting. The theme of the lessons was Christmas Wishes and some useful ideas and printables follow. Here’s the plan:

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Marvellous Christmas Crafts for Kids

Once in a while an amazing site pops up when you didn’t really expect it, and makes you feel you have discovered a jewel! This is the case with from Bulgaria. The ideas are endless, cute and educational, published under a CC license  (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

I can’t really choose what to make with my pupils at school!

I loved, loved, loved these cute toilet paper roll reindeer and these toilet paper roll houses to which we can easily attach a ribbon to hang on our christmas tree. Not only are they easy to make, but their low cost and upcycling nature create a beautiful craft with an environmental message.

Let's make a house from toilet paper rolls

I also spotted these season themed paper doll crafts which are ideally easy and appealing for my Grade A pupils.

Christmas-themed paper dolls

I can already listen to us singing “Rudolph”, “Oh, little town of Bethlehem” and “Frosty, the Snowman” as we will be making our crafts.

There are also FOLD AND CUT printables, paper toys and so much more!

Thank you neighbours and Merry Christmas!