The Singing Tree: An Interactive Installation

Technology, art and inspiration have combined into a glorious interactive Christmas tree in the halls of the  world’s largest museum of decorative arts and design, the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London. Every year, the museum commissions a designer to create a Christmas tree for the Museum’s Grand Entrance. This year, it’s the set designer Es Devlin who has installed a mesmerizing, constantly changing audiovisual Christmas tree, to which you are asked to contribute. You don’t have to be in the city to do so. You can actually do it online! Watch the video below to see how this year’s tree was made, where Es Devlin’s inspiration came from and how people actually transform the tree. For more information visit the relevant page and if you feel like it, contribute your own wish-word to the tree!



Exam Tips To Improve Fluency And Gain Time

Hesitating for too long during the Speaking Part of any exam is a piece that every candidate wishes and needs to improve. It usually happens when you don’t know what to say after a difficult question for example and it may get worse due to anxiety. This can be overcome with practice and a stock of useful phrases that will really buy time. So, watch the following videos and follow the tips to see how they work with you (They are suitable for every intermediate and above exam, I think!) The first one uses music and rhythm to help you repeat and remember!


Back to School Activities and Motivation



Browsing around for new school year first day ideas, I came upon some activities that would be interesting to try out. I also found some classroom posters that are really cool. So here they are:

1] TeamExercises is a youtube channel full of team games that can be used throughout the school year. You can absolutely find a game to start the day!

2] A first day lesson proposal that uses poetry and can match all levels.

3] Just a reminder for Categories, the classic vocabulary game that most students love playing and can be adapted to match a first day by asking for classroom objects or school subjects or school routine verbs!

4] Free download colourful icebreakers along with suggestions on how to use them.

5] 10 Motivational Posters for Your Classroom to brighten up the space and also generate discussion about classroom rules and moods!

6] Finally, an article on how to be kind to ESL learners!

If crafting sounds as a more appealing first day activity, here’s an older entry with some ideas: last-minute-new-school-year-crafts

International Workers’ Day: Women In The Development Of The Labour Movement

International Workers’ Day, also known as Labour Day in some places, is a celebration of labourers and the working classes that is promoted by the international labour movement, socialists, communists and anarchists and occurs every year on May Day, 1 May, an European spring holiday since the late 19th and early 20th century. The date was chosen for International Workers’ Day by the Second International, a pan-national organization of socialist and communist political parties, to commemorate the Haymarket affair, which occurred in Chicago on 4 May 1886. The events were triggered off during a labor rally in support of workers striking for an eight-hour day and in reaction to the killing of several workers the previous day by the police. The police responded with wild gunfire, killing several people in the crowd and injuring dozens more. Find out more about May Day along with language activities here.

The struggle for better labour conditions has been long and alive. What is often neglected in textbooks and the media is the impact women have made in labor history despite the numerous roles women have played to organize, unionize, rally, document, and inspire workers to fight for justice. Relevant sources and material follow below.

Bread and Roses” is a political slogan as well as the name of an associated poem and song by James Oppenheim. It is commonly associated with the successful textile strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts.

Women in the labor movement at

Women in labor unions at

Women who sparked labour movement at

Women in labor history at

Bread and Roses Strike of 1912 digital photo collection at

Bread and Roses slogan at

Teaching Resources at

Poems for workers-An anthology at

Biology Frenzy


Are you mad for Biology or do you feel like exploring this field? Here is a list of relevant links to study, play and learn Biology.

A science website for kids from the American Museum of Natural History.

Biochemistry quiz     (you can change the settings and select study-cards, learn, speller etc or even modify the type of quiz questions)

Biology vocabulary quiz  at

Biology vocabulary quiz at
Play Quiz: The Amazing World of Biology! now!

The Biology Project is an interactive online resource for learning biology, developed at The University of Arizona.

Biology games at

Free Biology worksheets at

When Slang Vocabulary Becomes Official

Do you know and use any slang words and phrases? Do you rock your slang vocabulary or does it often deck you?

Browse the following links to find:

Is Your Relationship With Technology A Bad Romance?

This GenerationThis GenerationThis Generation

Ajit Johnson, a Ph.D. student working in cancer genetics and genomics uses art posters to comment on “the invasion of tech addiction without even being aware of it”.  He has created a series of “some minimal posters describing our present generation and tech addiction”. Read more about it at and discuss his posters.

What is the message in every poster? Which do you like best? In which poster do you recognise yourself? How well does Ajit Johnson depict the issue of tech addiction?

Check the following infographic by to see how much teens in the USA use social technology.
