Hey, Doodle! Are You Talking To Me?


Do you ever find yourself drawing aimlessly, just playing with curves, lines and shapes, creating patterns or figures for just no reason? You probably do and this is called doodling     read more

(to doodle: to draw pictures or patterns while thinking about something else or when you are bored, http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/doodle )

People usually doodle when they feel bored and frustrated just to let off some pressure.  The urge to doodle gets stronger as stress levels rise.

A doodle can tell you a great deal about its creator. The way the drawing has been done will tell you even more. Interpetations and explanations of doodles can be found in the following articles. If you wish to understand more about yourself take a doodle quiz further on. Teachers can get an idea of a doodle-based lesson plan here.


“Psychology: Meaning of doodles” at liquidblueflame.deviantart.com

“What doodles really say” at dailymail.co.uk