Microbeads and Plastic in our Products: A Mega Threat to the Environment

Super-clean, super-smooth, super-white seem to have become a common routine, if not an obsession, for most of us. We meticulously apply our toothpaste and scrub with no second thoughts. However, apart from the damage we may cause to the top layer of our skin, we also cause serious damage to the environment. Why is that? It is because of  microbeads, the tiny polyethylene particles contained in exfoliating products. Furthermore, our synthetic fabric clothes seem to add to the problem because of the microfibers they contain. 

Watch the following videos to see how this is happening. Complete the missing information as you watch.


  1. Microbeads are found in … and …
  2. Their size is less than … milimetre.
  3. Water treatment plants are not … to filter them out.
  4. Microbeads … organic pollutants in the water and they form toxins.
  5. These toxins are … to the fish.



  1. How serious does this problem seem to you? Why?
  2. What actions can be taken do you think?

Look at these articles for more information:

Microplastics Threaten Marine Life In The Great Lakes

Plastic particle water pollution

Microfibers, Macro problems



  1. toothpaste/face scrubs
  2. one
  3. equipped
  4. absorb
  5. transferred

 Dedicated to 5th June, World Environment Day and 8th June, World Oceans Day.