Websites that Help You Find What to Read,Listen,Watch Next

Have you just finished reading a book that really inspired you? Have you just heard a song that kept you tapping in excitement? Or you may have just watched a film that had you enraptured; and you start thinking you would absolutely like more of it or something like it.

Ofcourse, you can search for the rest of the creator’s work, but what about finding  pieces of similar feeling by different creators? What about exploring and enriching your reading, listening or viewing experience with more “like this” material?

There are sites out there that work this out for you. They actually present more “like this” suggestions based on what you like or would like to explore. The following are sites that can be used instantly:

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allreaders Search books by author, title, plot, setting, or character. Titles are accompanied by a plot summary,  setting and character information. Also, search for movies.

tastekid Type in your favorite bands, movies, shows, books, authors or games, click on the Suggest button and enjoy the options.

gnod Use it as “a search-engine to find things you don’t know about” in categories of Books, Movies, Music. It creates an interactive map of relevant entries. The closer the entries are to the search word, the more similar they are.


goodreads Get book recommendations and if you wish you can sign up to see everyone’s bookshelves and  reviews, join a discussion group, start a book club, contact an author, and even post your own writing. 

whatshouldireadnext Enter a book you like and the site will analyse the database of real readers’ favorite books to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next.

whichbook It suggests books which most closely match your needs combining the factors you provide.