Google Forms Reloaded

Looking for web tools to make quizzes for my blog, I rediscovered google forms, which I had not previously ranked high among my first choice resources, simply because I hadn’t used them a lot and hadn’t followed their development.

What I now like about them is that you can easily add images and videos into these forms with just a single click. This is particularly useful for teachers who want to enrich their quizzes or surveys.

 Another feature I didn’t know that was available is page break. When you add page break to your form, you separate your questions into different pages so that your students are able to answer a set of questions on one page and then click on  “continue” to answer the rest. Thus the lengthy forms become easily managed.

 Finally, you can even add a progress bar indicating how many of your form questions have been completed.

It is so simple to use these google form features. Of course you have to create a new form first. You can find more details about creating google forms if you click on the “Help” button on top of your Google Forms page.

To add an image or a video to your form, click on the “add item” button displayed under every question and select “image” or “video”.

To add images you can

a)  drag and drop images in the designated area

b) upload images from your hard drive or the web by pasting their URLs in the content bar provided there

c)  embed a snapshot into your forms by clicking on ” take a snapshot “

d) add images from your Google Drive.

To add videos you can

search for videos in the YouTube bar provided there and then paste their URLs in the content bar or paste their URLs directly, if you already know them. You can also move the video to the left, right or centre of your form.

To add a page break to your form, click on the “add item” button displayed in your Google Forms and select “Page break”. You can enter a page title and a page description to every new page.

To add a progress bar just check the box labeled “Show progress bar at the bottom of form pages” showing at the top left corner of the form. If this choice is hidden, click on “form settings”.

 For more details watch these two videos