Creative Assignment 2018

Topic: “Inclusion – Breaking down Stereotypes”

School Year:

B2 Class Lykeion Upper Secondary Education

Οδηγίες υλοποίησης της εργασίας:

Χωριστείτε σε ομάδες των 4-5 ατόμων.

Εργασία στην ξένη γλώσσα: Χρησιμοποιώντας το παρακάτω υλικό στα αγγλικά βρείτε σχετικές πληροφορίες και συντάξτε η κάθε ομάδα μια παράγραφο (~200 λέξεις) στο συνεργατικό έγγραφο word εδώ.

(ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: έχουμε τη δυνατότητα να γράφουμε όλοι ταυτόχρονα. Προσέχουμε να μη σβήνουμε ό,τι έχουν γράψει οι άλλες ομάδες. Ό,τι γράφουμε σώζεται αυτόματα).

1η ομάδα:

Υποθέμα για έρευνα:Ποια είναι τα είδη των διακρίσεων που κυριαρχούν και πώς μπορούν να αντιμετωπιστούν?

2η ομάδα:

Υποθέμα για έρευνα:Πώς εξελίχθηκαν τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα κατά τη διάρκεια του χρόνου?

3η ομάδα:

Υποθέμα για έρευνα: Ποιες μπορεί να είναι οι αιτίες για τη μη-ένταξη διάφορων κοινωνικών ομάδων?

4η ομάδα:

Υποθέμα για έρευνα:Κατά πόσο ειρηνιστικά κινήματα-και ποια βοηθούν στο θέμα της ένταξης?

5η ομάδα:

Υποθέμα για έρευνα:Ποιοι μπορεί να είναι οι τρόποι καταπολέμησης στερεοτύπων-προκαταλήψεων ώστε να καλλιεργηθούν σωστά πρότυπα-συμπεριφορές?

6η ομάδα:

Υποθέμα για έρευνα: Κατά πόσο η εκπαίδευση μπορεί να βοηθήσει στην ένταξη?

Objectives, Activities, Resources

The assignment aims at building up equity and fair attitudes, helping students who have fewer opportunities. It aims at tackling intolerance and discrimination, at promoting acceptance, respect for diversity and human rights. Τhe overall goal is to contribute to an inclusive perspective in education.

Students are expected to

-become sensitive to injustice and inequality

-fight intolerance and violence

-foster anti-bullying behaviors

-build up self-esteem

-promote respect for others

-aquire a responsible attitude to social issues

Focus should be given on the three following aspects:

  • How to overcome geographical obstacles faced by young people from remote or rural areas, and young people living on small islands or in peripheral regions.
  • How to enhance intercultural understanding, notably with young people from minorities and/or from disadvantaged socio-economic background: immigrants, refugees or descendants from immigrant or refugee families, young people belonging to a national or ethnic minority, young people with linguistic adaptation and cultural inclusion difficulties etc.
  • How to deal with educational challenges and keep the full inclusion of young people with learning difficulties, school refusal issues, young people with lower level of qualifications or poor school performance etc.
  • Activities
  • 1. Warm-up activity: Listen to the song by Ingrid Michaelson “Everybody”
  • 2. Discuss:
Our values Human rights values
Action Reaction Acceptance, respect, responsibility
Gender Matters Respect
On a Tight Rope Acceptance, responsibility
The Love Web(yarn) Respect

Human rights values: inclusion, respect, cooperation and respect for diversity, prejudice, tolerance, intolerance, feelings, mean, bully, violence, self-esteem

Identify one value that is most important to you. Form a team with the students who have gathered around the same value. 3. Ask the teams to discuss what the value they have selected means to them in their daily lives, and to give concrete examples. 4. Have the teams prepare a short skit to illustrate the human rights value they have chosen or

Create a word cloud art with the values here

3. Discuss: Human Beings / Human Rights

What does it mean to be fully human? How is that different from just “being alive” or “surviving”?

  • Based on this list, what do people need to live in dignity?
  • Are all human beings essentially equal? What is the value of human differences?
  • Can any of our “essential” human qualities be taken from us? For example, only human beings can communicate with complex language; are you human if you lose the power of speech?
  • What happens when a person or government attempts to deprive someone of something that is necessary to human dignity?
  • What would happen if you had to give up one of these human necessities?
  • Helpline List of characteristics words  Dependent  Independent  Sensitive  Submissive  Dominant  Good at cooking  Strong  Takes care of his or her appearance  Considerate  Faithful  Courageous  Discrete  Gentle  Good at business  Spiritual  Hot  Sexy  Brave
  • Collect your ideas on the link below and vote for your favourite οnes here.

4. Conflict situations – discuss in small groups and present.

Is it easy to respond quickly to conflict situations?  What is the hardest part of this activity? Think:  How do you react in these situations?  What strategies do you use to handle the situations?  Are there services in the community to help us find peaceful solutions to conflict?

Act artfully:  How can you respond to conflict situations that arise at school or at home?  How can we resolve similar situations without getting angry?  How can we teach others to peacefully resolve conflict?

Create a jigsaw puzzle with key words from your answers by clicking here

5. The Love Web Game. Time: 30 minutes Materials: A ball of yarn. Purpose of the Activity: To think about relationships, love, self-respect and respect for others Human Rights and Responsibilities Right to express your views. In order to enjoy this right, we need to respect and listen carefully to others. Instructions: 1.In this activity you will create a symbolic web that represents the bonds we form with those we love and care about. During the group discussion, you will create a “‘spider’s web’ using a ball of yarn. 2. Form a circle. 3. The teacher takes the end of the ball of yarn and hold it in her hand. Start by completing the following sentence: “To love someone means …(” You could say, for example: “To love someone means you don’t want bad things to happen to them.)” 4. Throw the ball to another student, while holding the end of the yarn. The web will begin to take shape. 5. The student you throw the ball to also completes the sentence “To love someone means …” and then throws the ball to someone else. 6. When everyone has caught the ball and the web is formed, ask students to think about something that can end a relationship (eg. with a close friend, family member, boyfriend/girlfriend). After giving an example, each person cuts off a strand of yarn so that, at the end, the web is completely destroyed!

(Adapted from: Equitas- International Centre for Human Rights Education, Speaking Rights Human Rights Education Toolkit for Youth 13-18 on January 31, 2014 30

Group Discussion after the activity: Reflect on the experience.

Feel How did you like this activity?  Is it easy to talk about love? Think  Why do we need to be loved?  What do self-respect and respect for the other person mean in a relationship?  What do freedom and equality mean in a relationship?  Are conflicts or misunderstandings a normal part of a relationship?  Is violence acceptable in a relationship? Why or why not?  How can we deal with disagreements without using violence? Act  What can you do when someone you love or care about doesn’t respect you?  What can you do when someone tells you that they are in an abusive relationship?



1. Etwinning tools:

