Posted in Projects

This is my school!

Younger kids are highly enthusiastic when asked to produce. This is a plain fact. I’ve always said: “Ask little of the kids, they’ll bring you less. Ask a lot and they’ll blow you away!” And my little critters have proven me right time and again. This is the first time my 4th graders were asked to produce text. It was in the form of a decorated poster, but little did they realize that while trying to win a “Top Artist” badge, they were actually putting everything we learnt in Unit 1 to good use. They mostly did an amazing job, and the most amazing was that I even got a poster from a student who has learnt precious little. I can’t even begin to imagine how much effort she put into this. They don’t look like much, but I’m infinitely proud of my little ones and their first attempt! Enjoy!

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