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Schools in Greece and the UK

6th graders write about the differences and similarities between schools in the two countries. Their assignment was to write a blog post, so here are the most successful attempts. Enjoy!

Filippos writes:

Hello everybody and welcome to the blog wihtout a name! Today, we will compare the schools in the UK and Greece. 

In the UK, students go to school later but they finish school later too!  School starts at 8.50 and ends at 15.15. Every lesson takes one hour. They wear school uniforms too! School uniforms are great because the students don’t feel bad about their clothes or make other students feel bad, so it’s great. OK, I think we are done with UK schools. 

Let’s talk now about Greek schools. In Greece, school starts at 8.15 and ends at 1.15, but some students stay longer and go home at 4 o’clock. Every lesson takes 45 minutes so instead of three lessons Greek schools have six lessons. In Greece, students don’t wear a school uniform, they wear their normal clothes. 

OK, everybody, that’s it for today! See you tomorrow, bye!”


Elpida writes:

Hello! In my previous post you had asked me to write all the differences between schools in Britain and in Greece. Well, in my opinion, the biggest difference is in the time they start. In Britain, school starts at nine o’clock and finishes at five o’clock. In Britain, they only have three sessions that last 60 minutes. In Greece, we have 6 sessions that last 45 minutes. 

One big difference is that they have lunch from their school canteen. In Greece, we take our lunch from home. If you ask me, I prefer our way because we know exactly what we’re eating. Anyway, another difference is that they have assembly, but we tell prayers. In Britain, they all wear the same outfit but in Greece we wear what we want every day. I prefer the second one but on the other hand Britain has a good method too, because children can’t be jealous of the others. 

What do you think? Please comment below! Bye for now!”


So, what do you think? Is it better to wear a uniform? Which system do you like better?