Posted in Artwork

A summer’s day – 3rd grade


You can never know what will happen when you ask your students to do the simplest thing. This wasn’t supposed to be anything noteworthy. It was just a way to recap the unit and express visually what we have learnt about seasons and the weather.


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But… when they came back with these, it was impossible for me to let them go. I cut them, scanned them and here they are. This is just the simplest way of presenting them, but they can be used in a great variety of ways. As background images for a song (we’re actually planning to do a cover of The Season Song by Pancake Manor), as artwork in a collage or a poetry collection with student’s poems about the summer, and many many more ideas that we always have and never get to realize!

Anyway, I deemed them too beautiful to be wasted in a workbook. I hope you enjoy them.

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