iharbali's blog

a blog for Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Public Junior Secondary Schools

ICT used in Teaching

“Σκαλίζοντας τη μνήμη: A visit by a dietician”

Μαρ 201615

For a holistist approach to the topic to this year’s project for the Brain Awareness Week we invited to our school the dietician Maria Christakopoulou, who gave a talk on the nutrients which enhance memory ability, a brain pattern related to learning and acquisition.

She paid attention to the importance of a healthy diet based on quality and variety of food, which includes 5 homemade,well-cooked meals that shouldn’t be skipped. She also mentioned that a healthy diet should be adopted in our lifestyle and to achieve this we ought to inform students to become educated consumers.

Furthermore, she made a reference to the harmful effects of sugar to our organism by showing the following video.
1Finally, she concluded by stating the specific nutrients which preserve memory.Later on students reflected on what they had learned, collected all the necessary material and created a leaflet with canva to be distributed to their classmates.

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“Now and Then…What’s next?…”

Ιαν 201612

TBLT Training held in Amaliada 18-19 December 2015

Report on PETALL Tasks
By Julie Harbali

The activity, I chose among the proposed tasks is entitled “Now and Then-A Photostory” by Germany.
It captured my attention because I thought I could incorporate it to this year’s curriculum. We are involved in a project which has to do with memory, so I found it suitable for my class and the students’ level and interests, since it involves smartphones and selfies.

Class profile: 14 students of 3rd Grade Junior Secondary school of Karatoula
CEFR Level: B1
Skills: writing/reading/describing people/expressing past habits
Descriptions of oneself and comparison of an old picture to a selfie tagged on a padlet dashboard serving as an icebreaker and/or introducing activity in an e-twinning project.
Duration: still in process
Description of the task:
Students have to compare a selfie with a picture taken of them about 8 years ago. Indeed, they have to imitate the posture, expression etc. of the old picture and then to take a selfie of this with a smartphone or a digital camera.
The teacher edits the two photos in one using the layout by instagram programme, and uploads them to a padlet board, which is embedded to a blog.
Students access the padlet using a password and write in a new frame anonymously. They compare in detail the two pictures and describe the differences. For instance, they compare the life they used to live when the old picture was taken to the life they live now and consider the following aspects: Houses,town,clothes,taste,likes and dislikes,etc.

Expansion of activity:
Let’s play a game…Students will have to guess who is described in the text and match it with the right picture.
…What’s next… The activity will be enriched with students’ vision of the future (how they wish/predict to be in the future) and capture a “future selfie” or create an avatar.

Students embraced it with enthusiasm and the very next lesson almost half of them brought old pictures of themselves. They enjoyed the process of shooting and sending pictures. That day some students were allowed to bring their phones at school for the activity and then they saved them turned off in the office of the headmistress. They realized how much they have grown up and they recalled old memories, which was the purpose!

Problems encountered-things to improve:
Two students haven’t brought a photo, they are not so competent in English and kind introverted characters and a bit shy. A student from Albania, who came recently in Greece, has no photos of her childhood so it was an awkward moment. Time is always limited!!! Some students don’t like the photos…It was commented in the middle-project evaluation sheet that they didn’t like the fact that some students hadn’t brought photos. The lesson plan suggested was too much detailed so I adjusted it to meet my students’s needs and our educational purposes.
Padlet’s frames are unfortunately limited when embedded in a blog.


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Christmas ICT workshop

Δεκ 201522

merry christmas card

This year I wanted to differenciate my teaching in order to introduce my students to English Christmas Traditions by evoking cultural awareness, to related vocabulary and wishes sharing and let them get in the season’s spirit, so I prepared an ICT workshop on Christmas.

You can take a look below on the activities it included by employing web 2.00 tools, since the workshop was held in my other blog because this one can’t host(embed) all the sorts of web 2.00 tools I wanted to apply. A restricting parameter was that of time limit to conclude all the activities , e.g. the popplet about Christmas plans, because I had to invite students by email to edit their plans.

Watch the video and then let's play a game on Kahoot.



Activity: My Interactive Christmas Image

Decribe the following picture (You should add tags to the items/things there are in the picture here):

Activity: My Christmas plans

Activity : Let’s vote our favorite Christmas holiday destination! Διαβάστε όλο το άρθρο »

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Teen Idols…What’s yours?

Νοέ 201513

This project was addressed to both classes (Γ1&Γ2) of 3rd Grade of Junior High School covering the syllabus of the 2nd Unit employing the Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT) approach.


A prerequisite for this activity is that every single student must have a prezi account. So, time was dedicated to sign up students. A student is assigned the role of the administrator who is responsible for inviting their classmates by sending them the prezi link, setting the deadline of the project and editing the background and other format details. So, students as HW activity have to search information and photos on their idol and edit their entry by writing about their idol and uploading the photos they have chosen respecting their classmates’ choice, entries and avoiding writing about the same person. There was a bit of anxiety at this point of the project because they wanted to pick first before others!


At the next lesson, we completed a matching exercise about Danielle Radcliffe (Harry Potter’s character) in the book (page 16). So, students encountered some elements mentioned in biographies. As a HW activity students must read their peers prezi entry to find out if the elements mentioned in the book are included and contact them via email or messenger to add what is missing. Then, students must include the elements by editing their prezi entry once again.


At the final lesson, students presented their final work to the rest (the other class of the 3rd Grade or other classes of the school). Then, a mini survey was conducted with easypolls, students voted for their favourite idol and they noticed common elements among idols and reflected upon the impact (positive or negative) they have on teenagers. After this conversation they had to write an essay on this topic.


Of course, there were some side effects: the one class embraced it with enthusiasm and devotion the project whereas the other came up with all sorts of excuses…


After all, it’s all about bond… How much the class is tied together as a whole and not as individuals

That’s what we-the teachers- must stand up for…

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Μάι 201512



Κατά τη σχολική χρονιά 2014-15 στο Γυμνάσιο Καράτουλα εκπονήθηκε πρόγραμμα Σχολικών Δραστηριοτήτων στα Πολιτιστικά Θέματα με τίτλο “Οι Πέντε Φίλοι” από 15 μαθητές της Γ’ Τάξης.         Οι εκπαιδευτικοί που το ανέλαβαν ήταν οι:





Famous 5Σκοπός του προγράμματος ήταν η Γνωριμία των μαθητών με  πέντε χώρες της Ε.Ε. – την Γαλλία, την Γερμανία, το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, την Ιταλία και την Ισπανία. Αυτή η εξοικείωση θα επιτυγχάνονταν μέσα από τη  χρήση γεωγραφικών όρων, την εκμάθηση καίριων ιστορικών στιγμών, την ανάγνωση αντιπροσωπευτικών έργων της λογοτεχνία, και γενικά ερχόμενοι σε επαφή με τον εκάστοτε πολιτισμό, γνωρίζοντας τα ήθη-έθιμα των λαών αλλά και την Παραδοσιακή κουζίνα.΄Ολα αυτά έγιναν  χρησιμοποιώντας εργαλεία ΤΠΕ (δημιουργία βίντεο, κόμικ και άλλων web tools). Παράλληλα, οι μαθητές είχαν την ευκαιρία να εκφραστούν ζωγραφίζοντας, σχεδιάζοντας, δημιουργώντας, αυτοσχεδιάζοντας, να κατασκευάσουν αφίσες ακόμα και να παρασκευάσουν εθνικά εδέσματα.

Απώτερος, βέβαια, στόχος της ενασχόλησης των μαθητών με το θέμα ήταν να καλλιεργηθεί  ο σεβασμός στη διαφορετικότητα και να εκτιμήσουν την αξία της πολιτισμικής κληρονομιάς, αλλά και να αναπτύξουν  σχέσεις συνεργασίας μέσα από  την ομαδοσυνεργατική προσέγγιση.

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You speak Greek, You just don’t know it!

Σεπ 201426

While surfing the net I came across the following facebook post! I thought that this could be used as a useful teaching material and would active my students’ -especially those who “don’t know English well” -interest in the lesson since it was still the beginning of the school year!

Goal: To prove that Greek exists in English language, so learning English isn’t as difficult as it may sound to some of them!article_greek words

Students were asked to think of Greek loans in English (Greek words) and then they were handed out the facebook post. Then, they were asked to make a word cloud with wordle using these words.

A wordle created by students in September 2015

A wordle created by students in September 2015

After that, they were divided into groups according the topics : Politics, Mathematics, Drama, Physics, Economics. They were given english texts using Greek words such as the famous speech by Zolotas. They had to read them and present them in class.

As a final product they had to make a comic strip with pixton writing a dialogue in English using Greek words.  The comic stories were printed in a poster and presented in the European Day Of Languages celebration in our school.

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