iharbali's blog

a blog for Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Public Junior Secondary Schools

Cooperative Learning

Teen Idols…What’s yours?

Νοέ 201513

This project was addressed to both classes (Γ1&Γ2) of 3rd Grade of Junior High School covering the syllabus of the 2nd Unit employing the Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT) approach.


A prerequisite for this activity is that every single student must have a prezi account. So, time was dedicated to sign up students. A student is assigned the role of the administrator who is responsible for inviting their classmates by sending them the prezi link, setting the deadline of the project and editing the background and other format details. So, students as HW activity have to search information and photos on their idol and edit their entry by writing about their idol and uploading the photos they have chosen respecting their classmates’ choice, entries and avoiding writing about the same person. There was a bit of anxiety at this point of the project because they wanted to pick first before others!


At the next lesson, we completed a matching exercise about Danielle Radcliffe (Harry Potter’s character) in the book (page 16). So, students encountered some elements mentioned in biographies. As a HW activity students must read their peers prezi entry to find out if the elements mentioned in the book are included and contact them via email or messenger to add what is missing. Then, students must include the elements by editing their prezi entry once again.


At the final lesson, students presented their final work to the rest (the other class of the 3rd Grade or other classes of the school). Then, a mini survey was conducted with easypolls, students voted for their favourite idol and they noticed common elements among idols and reflected upon the impact (positive or negative) they have on teenagers. After this conversation they had to write an essay on this topic.


Of course, there were some side effects: the one class embraced it with enthusiasm and devotion the project whereas the other came up with all sorts of excuses…


After all, it’s all about bond… How much the class is tied together as a whole and not as individuals

That’s what we-the teachers- must stand up for…

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Holidays are over…

Σεπ 201520

Holidays are over, though we still talk about it !

In this lesson students read about people’s considerations when choosing a holiday destination and they get ideas on how to set criteria for the holidays. File 12-2-16, 10 06 47 μ.μ.File 12-2-16, 10 06 23 μ.μ.

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