Teaching grammar puzzles teachers because it’s crucial to teach grammatical structures but it’s at the same time inattractive due to the theory taught with various irrelularities and the numerous pages of worksheet handed out for HW. Even if theaching is combined with visual or multimedia stimuli, students get bores easily or do not absorb knowledge in depth. So, why dont’ we follow Dewey?
“Learn by doing” is the answer!
On the blackboard the teacher introduces the topic giving an example.
“-Who has ever swum in a river?”
and writes down the full anwer. Students spot how the tense is formed and action starts…
They pick a card with an activity, stand up and interview all their classmates using the form indicated on the blackboard.
At the end, the survey’s results are jotted down on the board and students decide on the usage of Present Perfect Simple.
*Inspired by Aphrodite Giouris, a colleague.Her passionate work is presented on her blog.
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