iharbali's blog

a blog for Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Public Junior Secondary Schools

“Sweet Dreams”

Μαρ 201514
afisa τελική 2015 pirgos

The poster of the event.


Some instances from the event.

Some instances from the event.


The event for Brain Awareness Week (BAW) in which our school participated was held event at the Apollo Theatre in Pyrgos on Saturday 14 March 2015. It included speeches, posters, power point and prezi presentations, video projection and short plays on the human brain presented by students. The choice of subjects was done by the teachers in collaboration with the Assistant Professor Margariti Marigoula of the Biology Department of the University of Patras, member of the Greek company for the Neurosciences.

didep patra2015Students had the opportunity to visit the Laboratory of Human and Animal Physiology  in the Faculty of Biology and to watch : presentations in relation to the structure and functioning of the brain, microscopic preparations of the nervous system and behavioral experiments by Ms. M. Margaritis. The postgraduate student Alexander Kokkosis, the postgraduate student Basiliki Panagiotakopoulou and the undergraduate student Anthi Krontira, and the graduates of Biology Anni Kaplanian and Georgia Tsapara.


    « Sweet Dreams »  


Presentation Type: interactive presentation between public and students using prezi, a Web2.0 presentation software.

Subject: The function of the brain during sleep. Dreams.

 Keywords: Sleep, dreams, REM & NREM stages, circadian rhythm, Web 2.0 tools, research, art, interdisciplinarity.


What does the brain do when we sleep? How are Dreams created? What is the importance of dreams in our lives? Dreams and prejudices. Dreams in the Bible and Ancient Greek Literature. Mythology and dreams. How has the dream become a target?


These were the questions that tried to cover the students through this action. The approach of the Sleep-Dreams theme has involved interdisciplinary teaching subjects like Biology, Religion, Ancient Greek Literature, ICT and English. Furthermore, emphasis was given to the cultivation of cognitive and social skills and the expression of students’ creativity through painting, crafts and digital projects created using Web2.0 applications.


The preparation of the action included a didactic visit to the laboratory of Human and Animal Physiology, University of Patras, Department of Biology on 15.01.2015 in which the students were familiarised with scientific terms, which were presented with easy and understandable for their level  way by Mrs. M. Margariti.


There was a significant effort to integrate relevant to the matter scientific terms in the teaching of the course of English as much as possible done in a simpler way so that students understand the biological process of sleeping and the creation of dreams. To achieve this, the teaching was realised in two parallel lines: a. ‘Working’ on a scientific Greek text proposed by Ms. Margariti M.,from which students derived data and information and b. Completing these data in the worksheets in english.


The innovation of the action lies in the fact that the interpretative analysis of the scientific text was projected via a prezi presentation (a platform of organization, development and distribution of “cinematographic presentation”) in English  focusing on keywords during the interpretative approach to the text. This initial presentation was enriched furthermore by the material collected by the students and then presented at the event.


This action achieved the fruitful combination of Art, Science and Technology and it was very positive that it was developed under a collaborative team-spirit enhancing the creative autonomy of students.


In particular, students were involved in the following:


  • Describing and Drawing a dream: Create comics using the Pixton, an online comic book creation tool (Photo 3).
  • Creating a bilingual dreambook (dream interpreter) in English-Greek.
  • Conducting a research on the habits of sleep, dreams and beliefs about them, distributing questionnaires made with googleforms and conclusions were drawn with the statistical package SPSS17.
  • Painted posters, canvas painting, creating artworks, construction of a Dreamcatcher and works from clay depicting the brain (Photo 2).
  • A vision for a better world, after analyzing the speech of Martin Luther King titled «I HAVE A DREAM»
  • Collage with students’ dreams-targets.

Coordinator: Charmpali Ioulia, English Teacher

Participating Teacher : Kourkoutas Georgios , Greek Literature Teacher

School Principal: Lella Andomache, French Teacher

List of participants in alphabetical order:

 1. Aggelakopoulou Kiriaki

2. Anastopoulou Christina 

3. Dimitropoulou Katerina

4. Dimopoulos Stamatis

 5. Kleideri Sofia 

6. Stavropoulos Konstantinos 

7. Tsavlis Basileios
Click here for our prezi presentation.

Paintings inspired by "dreams".

Paintings inspired by “dreams”.



The comics students produced during the project.








The school's badge.

The school’s badge.

sts working on baw15

Working in groups.

st edits the google form

Editing the questionnaire using google forms.

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