A presentation by Konstantina Bari for FORMULA ONE. Teacher in charge: Giotopoulos Georgios Λήψη αρχείου
Ημέρα: 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2023
Dangers in internetDangers in internet
A presentation where you can find answers cncerning the following questions: internet, dangers for teenagers, Electronic Gambling, where it can happen, addiction and Spam Messages. Teacher in charge: Giotopoulos Georgios Students: Ioanna Kotsopoulou Georgia Papadopoulou Kalomoira Tzani Andriana Xypolia Translation: Giotopoulou Panagiota Λήψη αρχείου
Questionnaire on common eTwinning projectQuestionnaire on common eTwinning project
A questionnaire concerning the views of the Italian and Greek students about our common eTwinning project was given from February 8th to 11th. A total number of 33 students answered it. You can see their answers below. Λήψη αρχείου
Internet safety by Τheodor NtafogiannisInternet safety by Τheodor Ntafogiannis
What possibilities the internet gives us? How will I know if I spend many hours on the internet? What can I do to help my self? What should I watch out for when using social networks? This presentation will anwer all this questions . Teacher in charge: Giotopoulos Georgios Student: Τheodor Ntafogiannis Λήψη αρχείου