European Bonds in a Time of Separation

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Currently, the European Union is threatened by separatist movements. The United Kingdom has officially left, more
politicians have indicated that they are willing to follow. We believe that such a tendency is dangerous, therefore people
should oppose this development. We are proud of our unity of European countries because it enables a peaceful
cooperation, easy travelling and mutual understanding. In order to counteract anti-European thoughts, we would rather
stress elements that unite us and we want to prove that especially young people are free from prejudice and share the
same interests. However, we do not want to neglect differences. Each European country has a unique history and its
own customs and traditions. We have developed the idea that our project should give young people the opportunity to
experience these facts first-hand. Thus, they will be able to see similarities to their own countries and do not develop
prejudices when growing up. We want to make them aware of the fact that it is diversity that enriches our life, that we can
learn from each other and still share common aspects. This prevents animosity and strengthens our European harmony.
We want to achieve that young people understand historical developments in Europe including the peaceful revolution
(Romania, Czech Republic and Germany), reunification (i.e. in Germany), separation (i.e. in the Czech Republic),
coexistence of various nationalities (Greece, East and West Germany, the Czechs and the Slovaks). They are supposed
to grasp that there have always been movements of partition. They should find out reasons for them, but in the end, we
want them to see that it is the uniting elements that guarantee peace and harmonic coexistence. Getting to know the
living conditions in our European partner countries on their own should shape our students’ lives and make them able to
multiply this knowledge to influence fellow students and citizens positively.
Generally, by working on this project, students will be motivated to help and develop empathy for each other, consider
the benefits of teamwork and present their project results together. During the project our students will be encouraged to
improve their cognitive, social, relational as well as their emotional skills and competences, which is a perfect preparation
for their adult life. While studying historic issues and working with so many different nationalities they will have to show
awareness of their own and other people’s feelings, must be tolerant and should communicate problems. This improves
their ability to face obstacles, to solve conflicts and to adapt to different situations. All in all, the young people in the
project establish a healthy resilience which is one of the core skills future employers look for.
All together we will have 72 active students from 4 nations chosen from applicants aged 15-17 in each school. This
means every partner school creates a team of 18 active members to make sure that in all mobilities (involving 6 students
from each nation) accommodation can be provided by the hosting school to guarantee the closest possible contact. The
students need to apply via written application, a letter of recommendation by a friend or a teacher and an interview.
Students with special needs, disadvantaged socially or economically, will be favoured.
We are going to perform folk and hip-hop dances, sing folk, rap and other modern songs, write literary pieces to be
recited or acted out, spray graffiti and cook traditional dishes, study historical clothes, play traditional games and inform
each other intensively about historical events. We always compare traditional ways and modern tendencies to show that
the European youth is closer than their ancestors were. Also we will have a look at the special use of ideological
language when analyzing and producing journalistic texts. By dancing, singing, reading, acting, drawing or cooking
together the young people will come closer to each other, improve their English language skills, make comparisons
between the different countries and lose their shyness with foreigners. Commonly created products should overcome
barriers in their minds.
We will produce a website to present our project’s activities and results. We will have a project magazine. We plan to
have a recipe book with all traditional dishes to make other people try them out and videos with dance tutorials to enable
everybody to learn them. We use eTwinning for communication. We use Instagram to make our best pieces of art
Students, teachers and parents alike will benefit from a successful Erasmus+ project. Some parts of the project will be
integrated in certain subjects (History, Arts, Music, English, native language). The reputation of the schools and the
general perception in the public (parents, local authorities, other schools) will improve.
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