
Βιβλιογραφία για διοίκηση εκπαίδευσης, ηγεσία, αλλαγές


Fullan, M. (2011) The moral imperative realized. London: Corwin Sage. Bauer,S.C. &

Brazer,S.D. (2012) Using research to lead school improvement :turning evidence into action. London: Sage.

Sagor, R. (2011) The action research guidebook: a four stage process for educators and teams. London: Corwin Sage.(2nd edt)

Dadidovich, R., Nikolay, P., Laugerman,B., Commodpre,C. (2010) Beyond School improvement :the journey to innovative school leadership. London:  Corwin Sage.

Reiss, K. (2011) Be a changeMaster:12 coaching strategies for leading professional  and personal change. London: Sage.

Clauset,K. H., Lick, D.W., Murphy, C.U. (2008) Schoolwide action research for professional learning communities: improving student learning through the whole faculty study groups approach. London: Sage.

Preble,B. & Gordon, R. (2011) Transforming school climate and learning: beyond bulling and compliance. London:  Corwin Sage.



Chapman,C., Armstrong, P., Harris,A., Muijs, D. Reynolds, D., Sammons, R. (2011) School effectiveness and improvement, research, policy and practice: challenging the orthodoxy? London : Routledge.

Lynch, M. (2012) A Guide to effective school leadership theories. London :  Routledge.

Starratt, R.J. (2010) Refocusing school leadership: foregrounding human development through the work of the school. London :  Routledge.

Thomson,P. & Blackmore, J. (2012) Changing schools through systemic inquiry: why and how school leaders do research. London :  Routledge.

Wrigley,T., Thomson,P., Lingard, R. (2011) Changing schools: alternative ways to make a word of difference. London :  Routledge.