“Float” short film

“Float” short filmundefined


Float is a 2019 American animated short film directed and written by Bobby Rubio, produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It focuses on a boy’s ability to fly and the choice his father must make.

In Float, a father discovers that his son is different from other kids in the most unusual way – he can float in the air. To keep them both safe from judgment, Dad covers him and keeps him out of sight – but when his son’s ability becomes public, Dad must decide whether to run and hide or to accept his son as he is.

Float was inspired by the creator’s own son, who was diagnosed with autism.

This short film gives off the message that the best thing you can do as a parent is love and support your child’s uniqueness and individuality rather than pressuring them in what you want them to be. It is a wonderful animation with a warm positive message.

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