In ancient times, Minos, the king of Crete(invite) the famous Athenian architect Daedalus to build a labyrinth for him.When the labyrinth was ready, King Minos jailed Daedalus and his son Icarus in the labyrinth because he (want) to have this great architect in his island forever.Daedalus (think)that the only way to escape was to fly out of prison. He (make)two sets of wax wings, one for himself and one for Icarus, and so, they flew away.Daedalus (tell) Icarus “Don’t fly too close to the sun. The sun melts the wax.” Icarus did not remember his father’s advice and( fly higher and higher until his wax wings (start) to melt. He moved his arms faster and faster. The fast movement of arms did not help much and Icarus (fall) into the deep sea.His father flew over the place where Icarus fell. Daedalus (look) hard but he could not find his son. He (name) the sea“Icarian Sea” after his son’s name.Of course this is a myth but it is the first flight accident. The death of Icarus goes unnoticed in the spring–a mere splash in the sea.

“Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” touches upon the Greek myth of the tragedy of Icarus. As we know, according to Ovid and Apollodorus, Icarus, son of Daedalus, took flight from imprisonment wearing the fragile wings his father had fashioned for him. Heedless of his father’s warning to keep a middle course over the sea and avoid closeness with the sun, the soaring boy exultantly flew too close to the burning sun, which (melt)his wings so that Icarus hurtled to the sea and death.

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