“Our Target Language, Our Target Culture” Wins European Quality Label!

We are thrilled to announce that our school’s E-Twinning project, “Our Target Language, Our Target Culture,” has been awarded the European Quality Label! This recognition highlights the outstanding collaboration, creativity, and dedication of our students and teachers as they engage in meaningful cross-cultural exchange.

The project, which connects students from different European countries, has helped deepen our understanding of language learning while fostering international friendships and cultural appreciation. We are incredibly proud of everyone involved and look forward to more enriching projects in the future!

#ETwinning #EuropeanQualityLabel #LanguageLearning #CulturalExchange #ProudSchool

European Quallity Label

Awarding of the two eTwinning programs implemented at our school during the 2023-24 school year.”

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We are delighted to announce that both European projects carried out during the 2023-2024 school year as part of the English course, “Our Target Language, Our Target Culture” and “Around Europe in 8 Months”, have been awarded the National Quality Label. Congratulations to all the students!

Happy European Day of Languages 2024

To highlight the importance of language for peaceful coexistence among people,my 6th grade students participated in a poster competition titled “Languages for Peace.” The posters will be showcased on the official website of the European Day of Languages. You can find more information at European Day of Languages.

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Safer Internet Day February 6th 2024

Safer Internet Day takes place in February of each year to raise awareness of a safer and better internet for all, and especially for children and young people.
  • Never reveal your personal information i.e. full name, address, telephone, photos.
  • Never reveal passwords except to your parents/guardians.
  • Never agree to meet someone from the internet in real life. Always check with your parent/guardian first!  Don’t accept emails, files, pictures or texts from people you don’t know, it could be dangerous!
  • Check with your parents before downloading and installing software.
  • Be polite to everyone once as you would be in real life.
  • Tell your parent/guardian if someone or something from the internet is making you feel worried or uncomfortable!