Αρχική » eco ideas » Eco idea Memories from forest fires in Rodos in summer 2023

Eco idea Memories from forest fires in Rodos in summer 2023

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Νέα εικόνα 13


Fires around Gennadi


Students write their memories, experiences and emotions about the big fires in Rodos Greece in summer 2023


To write down personal experiences that reflect the feelings of residents in the area

To present the catastrophic consequences of the fires in the area

To present emotions and fears of the residents

To write down experiences from a major event, the fires, in personal and professional life


Students are given the link of a Padlet and are asked to write down their experiences, in Greek, English or any other language. They can add photos and videos from their personal archive.


Students discuss and exchange ideas

Students suggest ways that the situation during the fires could have been prevented

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