Christmas in England

Κάτω από: Φεστιβάλ-Γιορτές | ΕΥΓΕΝΗ ΔΕΣΠΟΙΝΑ
Τρίτη, 16 Ιανουαρίου 2018 10:11 μμ |  Με ετικέτα |

 Christmas in England

In England, children do not get their presents on Christmas Eve, 24th of December. Father Christmas comes at night when everyone is asleep. His reindeer can fly and takes him from house to house to deliver all the gifts. They land on the roofs of the houses and then Father Christmas climbs down the chimney to leave the presents under the Christmas tree. In the morning of Christmas Day the 25th of December, children usually get up very early to unwrap their presents. Then they have plenty of time to play with their new toys. Christmas dinner is served in the early afternoon. Most people eat turkey, sprouts and loads of other vegetables, not forgetting Christmas pudding. The 26th of December is called Boxing Day.

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