
The Physical education and Art period


Tasks of Physical Education and Art period, February-April 2016

“Preparing for life in the 21st Century”

An Erasmus+project 2014-2016



Vasiliki  Kosmatou.1st General Lyceum of ilion.PE teacher

mail: 64cosmvan@gmail.com

Part I


Be active, be healty , be happy. A life-long quality attitude towards life.


We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. – Einstein

For children and young people, physical activity includes play, games, sports, dance, physical education, or planned exercise, in the context of family, school, and community activities. Physical activity  should not be mistaken with sports.. Regular physical activity includes participation in moderate and vigorous physical activities and muscle-strengthening activities.

Personal, social, economic, and environmental factors, all play a role in physical activity levels among youth.

The health benefits of physical activity are now well known. As little as 30 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week promotes better health and prevents illness. For the most part, however, studenst and teenagers  do not engage in sufficient physical activity to enjoy the health benefits.

Schools play a very important role in helping students develop healthy habits and behaviors through physical activities and nutrition programs.

  • Physical activities. Create physical activities guideline.
  • Nutrition, Healthy weight, Obesity and Anorexia .Create nutrition guideline

Objectives of our PE period

After this  period students will be able to:

  1. Summarize expected benefits of Physical activities and healthy nutrition.
  2. Identify ways to overcome barriers to healthy eating and physical activity.
  3. Set a specific, realistic personal health goal according their physical activities and healthy nutrition.
  4. Increase their physical activities by the end of the school year. Develop their nutrition habits. Develop theirs family attitude towards a new healthy life style.

Our goals

  1. Develop the 4Cs skills of 21st century education: critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity .Students have to answer in questions which develop 4Cs like:
  • What is the purpose of our research??
  • What are we trying to accomplish?
  • What issues or problems are raised?
  • What data, what experiences, what evidence are given?
  • What do we already know about obecity and anorexia in teenagers
  • What are the implications of an unhealthy life-style?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the statement that there is no connection between weight lose and physical activity and that a diet is enought?  What evidence is there to support your answer?
  1. Develop students’ and teachers’ ICT skills and level of English language.
  1. Develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime.
  1. Create opportunities for students to become involved in physical activities.
  2. Enhance opportunities for students to participate in daily physical activities.
  3. Physical activity and calorie balance.
  1. Increase awareness and knowledge about healthy eating.
  2. Increase awareness of the costs – personal and financial, related diseases, absenteeism and the socioeconomic and personal factors associated with overweight and obesity.

As a final outcome, we will create a manual, an e-book, where we will present the results of all of our activities. This e-book is going to help our school community to adopt a life-long  healthy life style.

The resource manual will have the following parts .

Part I

Introduction:  Describes the need for physical activity in teenagers and a life time engagement .

  • Definition of Physical activities
  • Benefits of Physical activities in mental and health life.

Chapter 1: State strategies about physical education and physical activities. We compare them and we write and suggest a common strategy.

Chapter 2 : ≠52goals challenges in physical activities.

We present the yearly plan of the 52 weeks of physical activities.

Chapter 3: The BMI (body mass index). A research about BMI in European students. Are we growning  up overweight teenagers?  How a teenager’s personality features in relation with gender and BMI. The results of our surveys.

  • BMI inGreece
  • BMI in Hungary
  • BMI in Italy
  • BMI in Romania
  • BmI in Spain
  • BMI in Italy

Chapter 4: Nutrition:  its role to overweight teenagers, obecity, bulimia and anorexia nervosa. v  The definition of obesity , bulimia and anorexia nervosa.

  • A healthy nutritious week program with traditional healthy food recipes ( breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch ,mid-afternoon snack and dinner) and desserts.

Chapter 5: results of surveys in physical activities and healthy nutrition.



Chapter 1: Art in Sports. A Passionate Relationship

v  What is Art

v  Olympic Games and Art

Chapter 2.: Photo Galler


ACTIVITY 1.  Introduction and Chapter 1 (State strategies).

Each country writes a document where defines the Physical Activity,  the benefits of Physical activities and give us information about the strategies of their country about physical education  and physical activities.

For example: Whats the role of PE at school. What about the curriculum according PE and what the school does for promoting a life –long engagement to physical activities and healthy nutrition.

Gathering all the information we can compare the strategies, find pros and cos and write our common strategy which we can suggest it in our city council

ACTIVITY 2: Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.

GOAL: Collaboration, personal development.  Dissemination using social media, facebook and twitter.

a)≠52goals challenges in physical activities. Each team presents 9 different physical activities. 2-3 physical activities according the season. Try to read the other’s posts for not having double entrances.  We write our suggestions in padlet in etwinning platform and also in our public  facebook group “The 52 physical activities Challenge


b)We calculate the BMI ( body mass index) of our school’s students’. Can we write a report about the BMI and nutritious habits of our classmates?

If every student record 15 entrances, we will have a large number of participants and our results will be more official. What a challenge!

We compare the BMI of all countries.

Important note: BMI compares your weight to your height, and is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. It gives you an idea of whether you’re underweight, a healthy weight, overweight, or obese for your heightSpeak to your doctor, an Accredited Practising Dietitian or a health practitioner about your weight.This calculator shouldn’t be used for pregnant women or children. (https://heartfoundation.org.au/your-heart/know-your-risks/healthy-weight/bmi-calculator)

The type we can use to calculate the BMI is BMI= weight/ (height)²

Example BMI=82(kgr)/165cm²=30,1 which means obecity

We use excel diagrams for presenting the results.

Don’t forget to record the gender and the age of the participants!

BMI Categories:
Normal weight= 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

ACTIVITY 3 :Chapter 4

 GOAL: Collaboration, Critical thinking ,Creativity.

 Healthy nutrition .Survey and Guidelines  for teenagers and students

Obesity, Anorexia, overweight teenagers. Nutritional habits . What do we have to change and how?

Each country has to write 6 recipes( the countries order is alphabetical) Please include photos of your recipes.

Recipes for Country
Breakfast Greece
Mid-morning snack Hungary
Lunch Italy
Mid- afternoon snack Romania
Dinner Spain
Dessert Turkey


ACTIVITY 5: Chapter 5

Create a survey  about our country’s teenagers’ habits according physical education /physical activities and healthy nutrition. The survey must have 10-15 questions.

We compare the results. We will use the google forms for creating the survey. Each country upload the  document with the results in padlet.

part II

Objectives of our PE AND ART  period


Both art and sports are such important pieces of our culture and history.

The concept and portrayal of sport and the athlete in art has been an evolving phenomenon in the art world for as long as their  has been art.

There are several sports where success is determined by the application of aesthetic criteria to performance. For example Gymnastics, Surf, Diving, etc. Sport actions have aesthetic value, just like Dance, just like a Painting, just like Cinema.

In our project we will study art through dance and Olympic Games.

The perfect movement of a dancer, the excellent movement of an athlete…what can be than art?

Our main question will be: What is Art?


A photo collection with traditional folk costumes from all countries will uploaded in a collection in pinterest  OLYMPIC GAMES The art of the athletes is presented in sculpture and vasculars. We will visit virtual museums trying to discover them.But there are more materials where we can admire the art of the Olympic games. In  posters of the Olympics, in stamps, in medals.. We will create our virtual museum of Olympic Art  using the pinterest social media


ACTIVITIES Apps and platforms DEAD LINES
1 and 2 )The role of PE and physical activities in teenagers’ life (a short but comprehensive document).Denefits .State strategies .Suggestions


Word, Padlet


≠52goals challenges in physical activities( 9 goals each country)


Facebook group 7/3-13/3
calculate the BMI Reports in Padlet , excel 7/3-13/3
Recipes ( 6 recipes each country) padlet 14/3-20/3
Survey in physical activities and nutrition Google forms- reports and results in padlet. Students upload the survey in their facebook profils asking from their friends to participate. 21/3-3/4
Photo collection with folk costumes Padlet  , pinterest 4/4-10/4
Virtual museum of Olympic art Padlet, pinterest 4/4-10/4
17- 23/4/2016 mobility in Budapest

Thank you

Vasiliki Kosmatou, PE teacher,1st General Lyceum of Ilion

Εκπαιδευτικός ΦΑ στο 1ο ΓΕΛ Ιλίου. Ειδικότητα Ρυθμικής Αγωνιστικής Γυμναστικής. Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές ΕΚΠΑ στις Τεχνολογίες τηςΠληροφορίας στην Εκπαίδευση.  Παρακολούθηση διαδικτυακών σεμιναρίων των European Schoolnet Academy, teachers school gate, coursera. Συντονίστρια προγραμμάτων erasmus+ ΚΑ1 και ΚΑ2

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