Memories from Budapest by Panagiota S.


Erasmus plus is a program that provides you with the chance to broaden the horizons of your mind and approach not only new countries, but also new beliefs and people. My participation in the Erasmus plus program was a journey that unfolded in front of me different ways of thinking and consequently behaving. The trip to Budapest was a precious gift for me , because I had a great time there working with an indescribable team consisting of people full of joy, happiness and kindness. It is a beautiful sense to be a member of a multinational team , that exactly <<extracts>> its power from the composition of the different. In this trip I realized that we are all different and we are all the same. In Budapest we met students and teachers from Hungary, Turkey, Spain, Romania and Italy and despite the fact that each one came from a different background we formed a group that cooperated perfectly and enjoyed completing every task that was assigned with. The places we visited were all interesting , some of them were very romantic and picturesque like the Buda Castle that I really adore as an area. Through sightseeing we got to know the basic history of the country and as a result understand the mentality of the Hungarians. Visiting the landmarks of Budapest was a significant part of the trip, but not the most significant one. What I gained from this experience was the contact with new people, new ideas and new civilizations.  Erasmus plus boosts the development of the 21st century skills, boosts your social skills and contributes to a general combat against violence, racism and marginalization. The transnational partnerships that Erasmus plus supports are a proof that the multiculturalism that characterizes the modern world and of course Europe is not an obstacle for the connection of the people, but a challenge, which if it is accepted it can bridge the gaps that the European union  is facing. The Erasmus plus team I participated in deserves at least my appreciation and my respect. I am not even able to describe the overwhelming emotions that this fabulous team offered to me. Words are insufficient, when they are described to moments, moments deeply engraved in your heart. The tears of the farewell are the evidence of the awesome moments we lived in Budapest. When we said goodbye , we had all realized that the album of Budapest has ended but the <<photos>> we collected there are invaluable and that is what counts the most. I feel blessed that I took part in this program!

Εκπαιδευτικός ΦΑ στο 1ο ΓΕΛ Ιλίου. Ειδικότητα Ρυθμικής Αγωνιστικής Γυμναστικής. Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές ΕΚΠΑ στις Τεχνολογίες τηςΠληροφορίας στην Εκπαίδευση.  Παρακολούθηση διαδικτυακών σεμιναρίων των European Schoolnet Academy, teachers school gate, coursera. Συντονίστρια προγραμμάτων erasmus+ ΚΑ1 και ΚΑ2

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