Swimming with Cara

στιγμιότυπο 1

A. Students and Setting: The activity is designed for A’ or B’ graders of primary school with very little prior knowledge of English, especially in the written form. They may know some words of the target vocabulary and have developed some skills on gaming.

B. Lesson Background: In an EAEP state school, A and B graders are taught English two times a week for about 45 min. each time which is a very limited time span to fully complete a task that includes other aspects that just vocabulary or structures. It will probably need 5-6 teaching hours to be completed.

C. Learning Objectives/Expected Results: The lesson is aiming at expanding the PEAP material on animals for both grades but it can be easily integrated into the curriculum for 4th graders because it is about the Caretta-Caretta turtle (Unit 6: Animals, Lesson 2: A visit to the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre, p.p 74-77). 4th graders may have some experience on ecological issues such as the danger of extinction of specific animals.

Cognitive: Ss identify and select the appropriate colour and animal vocabulary to respond to the quizzes and they employ their prior technological literacy to play and handle the software.

Affective: They develop an ecological attitude towards animals and the environment through play and song, they judge and criticise behaviours and attitudes towards the environment and evaluate their performance.

Psychomotor: They experiment with the software and web 2.0 tools, select roles to play and interact and finally create their digital storytelling.

D. Materials and Sources:  Flashcards, a flash animated digital game, a powerpoint presentation or a Youtube fairy-tale in Greek «Πού πας χελωνάκι;»  (http://youtu.be/boJ3mEy2KnM), an educational song recorded on Youtube (http://youtu.be/WXe7Rx3w9ro) from http://www.thewhizpops.com/ (a website especially designed for the teaching of natural sciences).

_Καρέτα (ppt presentation)

E. Procedures / Timing:

Teacher does/says . . . Students do/say . . . Approximate Time
 T shows the ppt presentation  or the visualized Greek fairy-  tale  «Πού πας χελωνάκι;»  to  make  sure that Ss understand  the  context and the situation.  Ss respond to the message and  express their opinions.  1 teaching session
 The teacher shows some  flashcards on colours and  animal vocabulary so that  students can distinguish and  use the new vocabulary. T  introduces the song on sea  turtles and explains it.  Ss repeat and respond to the  material and dance and sing to  the rhythm of the song.  20 min.
 Ss are taken into the computer  lab, are divided into small  groups and briefly instructed  on how to use the software.  Ss use and interact with the  software.
 T asks Ss to draw pictures and  depict what they have learnt  and understood about these  sea animals.  Ss draw pictures about the sea  creatures, life in the sea and  particularly on the life and  dangers of the sea turtle.  20 min.
 T asks Ss to evaluate their  performance and judge the  activity. T also asks them to  imagine sea and animal    sounds and assigns roles for a  short theatrical play.  Ss evaluate their performance in  the Biography section of their  portfolios, insert their creations  in the Dossier section and create  a  short play with sea or animal  sounds and short phrases to play  in the classroom.  1 teaching session
 T scans the pictures and  uploads the audio files with  the recordings of pupils to  create their digital story-  telling  using the  http://utellstory.com/ (web  2.0 tool). T finally proceeds to  the Reflective Thinking on the  digital diary  http://penzu.com/. 



F. Alternative Assessment: An easy assessment is through the points and correct answers in the digital game but a more educational alternative assessment is by using Ss’ portfolios as described above.

G. Reflection: The specific activity is as demanding for the teacher as for the students because it employs various literacies and competences. Apart from its cognitive aspects, the technological literacy and the ecological education that aspires to cultivate are difficult to develop in the state schools as they are equipped and operate nowadays because they lack the digital infrastructure or the options to visit aquariums and attempt experiential activities.

Nevertheless, this activity is an attempt to overcome the obstacles and support learning in an amusing and educational context.