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Bullying Awareness through a Padlet

Οκτ 201710


Web 2.0 Tools in English Language Teaching: Mere add-ons or 21st century skills enhancers?

Οκτ 201710

“It is essential that children are deeply involved in writing, that they share their texts with others, and that they perceive themselves as authors”. – Calkins (1986:9)

Aspects Issue 42


Wordles – Word clouds – in the classroom

Ιαν 201520

Wordles enable the user to add emphasis to key words in a toyish way! Visualizing basic terms of the lesson facilitates memory recall and enhances creativity!

The following is a word cloud example defining Web 2.0 Tools.

Wordle: Web 2.0 Tools

Glogsters in Education

Ιαν 201512


The radical expansion of possibilities for digital writing allowed by Web 2.0 tools imposes on us teachers the responsibility  to equip our students with the ‘pragmatic skills’ as well as the competences required in the complex, networked environment we live in.

Providing both educators and students with digital educational content and tools for its creation, a Glogster is an available online platform that is able to direct our teaching in order to guide students’ process of discovery and collaboration.

Here is an example of a glogster called Revival of the Art of Weaving, which my students created regarding a project on how technology can enhance the power of tradition!

So, watch the tutorial, familiarize yourselves with the possibilities a Glogster offers and enjoy exploring it with your students!


Μαρ 201216

Students today mistakenly believe that the writing they do outside school, by communicating with their peers on the Facebook or Tweeter, sending e-mails or even exchanging messages through their mobile phones, is for their own pleasure and has nothing to do with the writing taking place in the school.

The advent of Web 2.0 tools has placed upon us teachers the responsibility to ‘shake’ this belief. This blog has therefore been created with a view to promoting digital writing in ways that will help our students take advantage of the new digital literacies through exploration, discovery and collaboration, not only in favour of their pleasure but their learning as well!

Enjoy the journey!

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