Let’s play! Mediterranean games then and today

About the project

Historical and traditional sports or games will be discovered, reviewed, played and taught by Spanish and Greek students. Moereover they will try to create a new version or format of “their own game”.


* Develop the idea of democracy through mutual understanding and collaboration.
* Develop interpersonal communication skills between Mediterranean pupils using English language and digital tools.
* Make them independent personalities and “researchers”.
* Enforce the idea and the feeling of the European identity.


All the involved people, administrators and members will have equal responsibilities and duties to the design the direction of the all project.
They will be in contact by email, chat or videoconference at least once weekly.
– January: Introduction of the project, general instructions, definition of general time frame, initial classroom meeting by videoconference to introduce ourselves. Gathering of the evidence and construction tools.
-February: Group making and searching fields and get sources.
Presentation of this work to the pupils of both schools involved in.
Videoconference and chat about the importance of the athletic values.
– March: kids of each school will play and discover ancient or traditional games of the other school.
Digital recording of the event and sharing the result to both schools.
– April: create new games in international collaborative groups. Share the result and organize a tournament.
– May: Evaluation using questioners


* Videoconferences
* Digital presentatiom
* Videoclips
* Description and rules of a new games
* Tournament
*Assessment and evaluation using questioners



Skype meeting (Introduce myself in English…)

Drone City Tour

My city through my eyes….
