Τα Προγράματα Erasmus+ και Etwinning
Δεν υπάρχουν σχόλια · Συγγραφέας: ΤΖΑΜΟΥ ΑΙΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΗ στο ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΑ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΑ
Τα Προγράματα Erasmus+ και Etwinning
στα οποία συμμετέχουμε φέτος:
1. The One ‘SKY’ / The mankind’s discovery of the sky.
From Ancient times to present mankind has always explored the basics of his existence. He has tried to recognize and define his place within the universe. Today much more further steps are taken due to the developing technologies in this up and down process. Now how about getting to know them? Would you like to talk about scientists, who are interested in sky, in your country to us? And also could you first introduce and then tell us about these scientists’ contributions to knowledge of the mankind. When we are dealing with our own little problems in our planet that is not different from any little point in the universe, we can ignore the reality of universe’s filled with civilizations resemble us or other different civilizations.
2. To Be Aware We Prepare A Newspaper!
*Let’s turn the virtual life into real. *Let’s keep in touch with the Europen countries. *Let’s turn our faces towards European stars. *Now, the question is; “HOW?” *The answer becomes very simple with our project! *We will share our news and then prepare a associated newspaper. *We will be aware of eachother and share the agenda of the participated countries.
3. History of Our Monuments
Students in partner schools will share the historical backgrounds of the monuments in their countries. Learning History will be more concrete and funny.
Throughout the project we want to look into the labours of the mythological hero Hercules using ICT tools to promote awareness on our common heritage and the modern challenges that we face. To attain this each school will be responsible to develop each labour telling the the story through a range of activities based on web 2.0 tools . In each labour students will also deal with the modern problems that affect our European community. We will mostly deal with the stories at places where the legends were believed to have been related with. The main focus of our pupils will be the archeological sites which they are not aware of and the challenges of our modern World. Eventually we want to help the pupils to pay enough value on our precious common history,the historical places and the idea of common Europeancitizenship. We will develop the project in English but Ancient Greek will be a part of the project to provide the each schools pupils to understand the writings on the sites.
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