Συγχαρητήρια στις τάξεις ΣΤ1 και ΣΤ2 (2016-17) για την ευρωπαϊκή ετικέτα ποιότητας που πήραμε για το έργο “Fairy Tale Retellings”!:
Congratulations to ST1 and ST2 (2016-17) on the European Etwinning Quality Label we reveived for our project Fairy Tale Retellings!
Συγγραφέας: acharou | Κατηγορία ΔΙΑΘΕΜΑΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ | , στις 06-11-2017
Συγγραφέας: acharou | Κατηγορία ΔΙΑΘΕΜΑΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ | , στις 15-06-2012
Have a look at our pupils’ art and craft!
English is not taught as an isolated subject in the curriculum. EFL is integrated with Art and Craft in a cross-curricular approach. Learning English takes meaning when learners interact with the language. In our case students use English as a vehicle to create art and craft for authentic purposes either to decorate our classroom (early stages) or to present their products to our partners from other countries (more advanced learners). They listen to the teacher’s instructions or watch authentic videos to accomplish their tasks. (2011-12)
Δημιουργίες των παιδιών, 1ο Δ. Σχ. Ηλιούπολης Αθήνα, 2011-12