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Η επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του προγράμματος / The official website of the program:
Don’t Bully me, don’t Discriminate me, Include me!
Στη χώρα μας και συγκεκριμένα στην πρώτη μας συνάντηση στο Βόλο έγινε η έναρξη του προγράμματος :
Οι μαθητές της Β’ Λυκείου στο μάθημα της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας και Λογοτεχνίας ασχολήθηκαν με κείμενα που αφορούν στη διαφορετικότητα, την ανοχή, το ρατσισμό και τη δύναμη της ανοχής μεταξύ των λαών. / The students of the 2nd class of Lyceum in the course of Greek Language and Literature dealt with texts that concerned diversity, tolerance, racism and the power of tolerance among people.
Μελετήθηκαν αντιρατσιστικά και αντιπολεμικά μηνύματα σε περίοδο πολέμων το δεύτερο μισό του 19ου αιώνα στο μάθημα της Ιστορίας. / Anti-racist and anti-war messages during the war, were studied in the second half of the 19th century in the history lesson.
Αναφέρθηκαν στην ανθρωπιά τη συμπόνια την αλληλοβοήθεια και τις ανθρώπινες αξίες ανεξάρτητα από το φύλο και τη θρησκεία. / They also referred to humanity, compassion, mutual aid and human values regardless of gender and religion.
- Βοήθεια στην Ουκρανία μέσω του Ερυθρού Σταυρού The Greek Red Cross are at the forefront of support and assistance to the cities of Ukraine and its citizens, and the 5th Volos High School assisted in that effort. First need materials, food and medicine were collected for shipment to war-torn areas of Ukraine. The department of the Red Cross of Volos has existed for many years and has a long history, as it was created in 1914. Students of the 5th lyceum were informed about its history, activities and help that all these people provide voluntarily on Friday, April 1, by the nurse of the Department, Mrs. Samiou. The president of the Red Cross in Volos, Mr. Dimitris Koutroubas, together with two employees came to our school and received everything while thanking the students and the teachers for their response. The students became aware of the issues of volunteering.
- Εκδηλώσεις στα πλαίσια των προγραμμάτων Erasmus+ και Act Citizenship The 5th Volos Highschool within the ERASMUS and ACT CITIZENSHIP projects hosted the writer and poet Mika Mavrogianni on March 28th. The meeting was attended by participants from C3 class and professors Gianna Evangelia and Eleni Papanikolaou. The author talked to students about the woman as the main character in literature. It was a tribute to the Women’s Day of March 8th. The children got to know the poetic and prose work of the author, who kindly offered a lot of copies of her poetry collections : WOMEN’S MONOLOGUE¨ and MENS ‘MONOLOGUE.We dealt with the women’s issue, we discussed and reflected on gender equality, the emancipation of women as they entered the labor market from the Industrial Revolution onwards, the discrimination against them, the racism, the sexism that was accepted through the centuries until the emergence of the feminist movement in the late 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th c.Τhat movement contributed to the advancement of women’s position .Children understood why women fought for a better life, better working conditions, the recognition of their basic individual rights, their education, profession, right to vote, protection of motherhood and personal respect.On April 4, within the framework of the same projects, we welcomed the author Olga Vlachou, who talked to B3 class and to professors Gianna and Papanikolaou, about the role of Love in Literature and in her writing work as a source of inspiration. She shared her experience of creative writing and offered to students a copy of her work ¨THE HEART OF THE GOD ¨.
We warmly thanked both authors for their efficient cooperation with the students of our school and their kind contribution. - Μονόλογοι Ασυνόδευτων Προσφύγων από το Αιγαίο On April 14th as part of the Erasmus plus and Act Active citizenship projects, a theatrical event entitled: MONOLOGIES OF UNACCOMPANIED Refugees from the Aegean Sea, took place in our school with the participation of B3 class. The students Fasoulidi, Triantafyllou, Tatarioti, Garoufali, Stefanou and Psarianou Evangelia narrated and pretended to be the young unaccompanied refugees from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan. They narrated their adventures till they arrived in Greek camps. Teacher Gianna Evangelia talked to children about refugees routes, about war and its effects on humanity, while highlighting the need to consolidate world peace.
- Μη με εκφοβίζεις, μη με διακρίνεις, ενσωμάτωσέ με / Don’t Bully me don’t Discriminate me, Include me! On Friday 15/04 in the context of the European program Erasmus: “Don’t bully me, Don’t discriminate me, Include me!” we hosted Mrs. Filia Mitromara. She is a journalist, writer and wellness editor who captivated her audience by talking about her own personal experiences as a child and teenager, having suffered both bullying and discrimination. With extreme directness she captured the feelings of a child when he accepts such behaviors. She explained how she managed to turn all the negativeness that happened to her into positiveness, to believe in herself and her potential, to fight and manage to do in her life what she dreamed of.
She answered many students’ questions with warmth and disarming honesty. She also collaborated with students and teachers on experiential exercises.
She mentioned strongly to be understood from everyone that :
the basis for reducing incidents of bullying and for children to gain respect for diversity is knowledge and the immediate search for help. Vulnerability, sensitivity, diversity is not a shame, asking for help is not a shame. Acceptance the diversity is very important and shows respect. And this must be heard loudly and clearly at any time.
Responsible for the whole event was Mrs. Vaso Kotroni.
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