Publications in the press – social media- Conference

  1. The European project Erasmus+ KA229 in the field of school partnerships entitled “Prevention is beer than cure”, as Hippocrates said 2019-2022 was implemented by the 23rd Kindergarten of Larissa, as a coordinating school, has reached its end and is about to be submitted for evaluation.

The project was approved, following an evaluation by the Greek State Scholarship Foundation (IKY), in collaboration with the European Union for the two years 2019-2021, but due to the pandemic, it was completed after a relative extension in order to complete all planned activities. It was financed by the European Union in collaboration with the IKY (State Scholarship Foundation), which is also the National body of Greece. The project involved teachers from five countries and six schools from 2019-2022:

23rd Kindergarten of Larissa (Greece),

 5th Kindergarten of Farsala (Greece),

I.c.1 Imola (Italy),


Vilkaviskio vaiku lopselis-darzelis Buratinas (Lithuania),

Preschool education organization “Saulite” (Latvia).


The activities were carefully planned in order to achieve the objectives of the program. The general coordination of the whole project was the Head of the 23rd Kindergarten of Larisa, Mrs. Antoniou Elisavet, and the contact person was the kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Simela Nikolaidou.

The project entitled “Prevention is better than Cure”, as Hippocrates said, is a European Erasmus KA2 project, where teachers from six European schools collaborated. It is aimed at pre-school students, focusing on healthy eating, exercise and “well-being”. The innovation of the program is based on the philosophy of the ancient Greek healer and philosopher Hippocrates, who was born in Kos, lived for a number of years in Larissa, where he died. He recognized the importance of exercise—combined with diet and other factors—in maintaining human fitness. In a world that is constantly changing, with negative effects on human health, the concept of the Hippocratic saying “Food and exercise, because they have opposite properties, mutually contribute to the maintenance of health” is a priority. At the core of the program is the idea that in nature man can look for ways of prevention and treatment, forming positive attitudes towards the environment.

The resulting pandemic brought changes to the planning and implementation of actions. The problem was addressed by implementing online actions and extending the duration of the program.

In the period 2019-2022, six thematic modules – activities and six mobilities were implemented.


      C1 “One painting… one story”

C2 “Nature’s little shop”

C3 “Trehalitsas and Kolympitsa”

C4 “Journalists in Action”

C5 “Journey begins in the old days, let’s see how the children played back then”

C6 “Little Guides to the Diachronic Museum”

 All actions can be found: and

The fundamental purpose of the proposal is to protect, improve and promote the mental, physical health and social well-being of students, by cultivating healthy eating habits, developing motor skills and physical condition of infants. Additionally, we seek to put into practice the sayings of the ancient Greek healer and philosopher Hippocrates, “Prevention is better than cure”, “Your food is your medicine and your medicine is your food”. Hippocrates is an integral part of the cultural heritage and history of our country. He lived and died in Larissa, offering his best in the healing and treatment of diseases and epidemics with the use of herbs (Tuke, 1911). With his treatments he was recognized as the “father of Medicine”, while he used plants, because he deeply believed in the power of nature. Of the plants he had chosen, several form the basis of modern medicines (Anasis, 1978).

Serious health problems faced by children are related to poor eating habits and lack of exercise, leading to obesity. Lately children are more often involved in sedentary activities such as television, static games. The school can cultivate in children basic motor skills so that they realize the value of exercise. It is important to create healthy adults who have integrated sport as an integral part of their lives (Boreham & Riddoch, 2001).

Objectives: Students to:

• investigate the principles of the Hippocratic theory of health and the impact of the Hippocratic work on medicine, nutrition, sports,

• discover experientially the “pharmacy of nature”, herbs and get to know their therapeutic properties and uses, preparing their own “medicines”,

• get to know the aphorisms of Hippocrates and recite the Hippocratic Oath.

• the children come into contact with the ancient Greek spirit and high ideals,

• understand the importance of the Olympic games in ancient times and in modern times, knowing the Olympic sports,

• cultivate a positive attitude towards exercise and sports as a way of life.

• get to know the Mediterranean diet, the food groups and understand the value,

• realize the need for daily exercise and healthy behavior, cultivating positive attitudes related to nutrition and physical activity,

• get to know the traditional games of all cooperating countries,

• understand the need for prevention as a dominant factor for quality of life,

• get to know the eating habits of the family,

• collaborate in groups using ICT to produce a common project.


The program gave the opportunity to teachers and students from Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia and Greece (23rd Kindergarten – 5th Kindergarten of Farsala), to exchange opinions, share ideas and innovative teaching methods, with the common goal of cooperation, interaction, the contact with the culture and civilization of the peoples of Europe, but also the acquaintance with different educational systems. The common vision of all partners was the adoption of standards, attitudes and habits that lead to well-being. In addition, the cultivation of environmental awareness among students and the establishment of their European identity are primary objectives of the project.

The children were the main person of this project at every step and participated in all the activities as well as in the evaluation of the project.

During the program, excellent results were produced, both in delivered products and in the impact of the school unit, improving the attitudes and habits of the teachers, children and parents who participated in the project.

The publication is part of the program and belongs to the dissemination activities.

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“8th International Conference of EEPEK for the promotion of Educational Innovation”

Presentation and dissemination of the results, within the framework of Erasmus days, at the 8th International Conference of EEPEK for the promotion of Educational Innovation, created at the University of Thessaly on the three days of October 14-16. Our presentation was about the European program Erasmus KA2, 2019-2022 entitled: “Prevention is better than cure, as Hippocrates said” created at the 23rd Kindergarten of Larissa.
Congratulations to all the presenters for the very interesting presentations.

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Εβδομάδα κινητικότητας στην Λάρισα με φιλοξενούμενες 5 ευρωπαϊκές χώρες από το πρόγραμμα Erasmus KA2 «Prevention is better than cure as Hippocrates said»

Στην Ιταλία το 23ο Νηπιαγωγείο Λάρισας στο πλαίσιο προγράμματος Erasmus

IMG 20220621 100905 1

IMG 20220709 121234 1

Εικονική συνάντηση του 23ου Νηπιαγωγείου Λάρισας στη Λιθουανία

Ekrano kopija 60 1

Virtualus mobilumas – nauja galimybė bendradarbiavimui „Erasmus+“ projekte

Hipokrato idėjos vienija. „Buratino“ pedagogių vizitas Ispanijoje.

Με πρόγραμμα Erasmus στην Ισπανία το 23ο Νηπιαγωγείο Λάρισας

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