Δημοτικό Σχολείο Βάρδας

Θα ήθελα να δώσω συγχαρητήρια στους μαθητές της Ε’ δημοτικού του Δημοτικού Σχολείου της Βάρδας, οι οποίοι συμμετείχαν με επιτυχία σε μία εργασία ανταλλαγής μηνυμάτων ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου με τους μαθητές ενός Αμερικάνικου σχολείου με σκοπό την πληροφόρηση σχετικά με τους πολιτισμούς των δύο αυτών χωρών και τα χαρακτηριστικά τους!
Παρακάτω, μπορείτε να δείτε αναλυτικά τις ερωτήσεις που έκαναν οι μαθητές του Αμερικάνικου Σχολείου καθώς και τις απαντήσεις των μαθητών του σχολείου της Βάρδας:

1. What type of information do you learn at school? (Math, Science, History….)

«At school, we learn maths, language, science, history, geography, English, French and music.»
Gabriel, 11

2. Do you have to wear uniforms to school?

«No, we don’t. We can wear all our clothes, but we have to be modest.»
Areti, 11

3. What kind of sports do you like to play in Greece?

«Our favourite sports are volleyball, football, basketball, handball and beach volley.»
Xenia, 11

4. What are some of the music stars you listen to?

«Some of the music stars we listen to are: Shakira, Vegas, Katy Perry, Stan, Demy, Foureira, Elena Paparizou, Mixalis Xatzigiannis, Chryspa, Chris Holidis, Sakis Rouvas, Ivi Adamou etc.»
Giota, 11

5. What are some of the TV shows/movies you watch?

«We watch cartoons, romantic and dramatic films and also thrillers. Some of our favourite movies are: «The Titanic» , «The Blue Lagoon», «Stuart Little» and some other movies with Jennifer Lopez.»
Stelina, 12

6. What is your favorite Greek God?

«Our favourite Greek gods are Aphrodite and Artemis for girls, and Aris and Hermes for boys.»
Elpiniki, 11

7. What places have you seen in Greece?

«In Greece, I have seen a lot of places like Mykonos, Samos, Ioannina etc. You can come here and visit them, too!»
Stelios, 11

8. What are some of your favorite books to read?

«Some of the books we enjoy reading are fairy tales, comedies and comics because they include beautiful pictures and funny stories. Also, we like reading adventure books because they are really amazing! Finally, we read literature as it can help us with our performance at school.»
Evridiki, 11

9. How many students are in your class?

«In my class, there are twenty three students; nine of them are girls and the other fourteen are boys.»
John, 11

10. Do you have field trips? If so where do you go?

«Yes, we do. We go to museums, Ancient Olympia, Ippokamilos and Foloi’s forest.»
Takis, 11

11. What are some of your favorite video games to play?

«The girls’ favourite video game is «Stardoll» and the boys’ favourite video game is «Pro evolution soccer».»
Constantinos, 11

12. We are learning a dance called the Syrtaki. Have you ever learned that dance?

«Yes, we have. It is a popular dance in Greece and it is very nice and easy to dance! Most of us attend dancing lessons, so we learn a lot of traditional and modern dances.»
Andreas, 11

13. What language do you think is harder to learn English or Greek?

» I think Greek is harder than English.»
Dionisis, 11

14. What kind of food do you eat?

«In Greece, we have a lot of different eating habits. A very special Greek food is bean soup. Also, we usually eat meat like chicken with potatoes, greek souvlaki and roast beef. We also eat salads with vegetables such as lettuce, cucumber, cabbage and courgettes. Greek people always eat bread, too. Finally, we sometimes eat fruits like strawberries, grapes, melon, apple, orange, watermelon etc.»
Ria, 11

15. Do you learn any other languages beside English?

«Yes, we do. We also learn French.»
Alexandra, 11

16. Do you have recess at school?

«Yes, we do. We have four breaks; the first one lasts twenty minutes and the other three last ten minutes.»
Fabio, 11

17. What kinds of stores do you have?

«We have a lot of stores like supermarkets, bakeries, butchers, clothes shops, bookshops, internet cafes, beauty shops, patisseries, jewelery shops, shoes shops, sports shops,
shoping centres, toys shops, etc.»
Alexandra, 11

18. What do you like or dislike about America?

«In America, we like the big cities like New York, Los Angeles, Boston and of course Hollywood. Also, the Statue of Liberty is so nice nad famous as well! American films are very good, too. Finally, America has the best University in the world, the University of Harvard..we like it so much.»
Evridiki, 11

«I like America because it is big and has very tall buildings.»

«We like the cities, the Statue of Liberty and the language.»
Xenia, 11

«I like the big buildings, the airplanes and the big streets.»
Dionisis, 11

«We don’t know much about America. However, we’ve heard a lot from our parents and teachers and we think that America is very nice. Do you like Greece, too?»
Giota, 11

Δείτε επίσης, τις ερωτήσεις των μαθητών του σχολείου της Βάρδας και τί απάντησαν οι Αμερικάνοι μαθητές:

1. What time do you start and finish school?

We have to be to school by 9:00 and we leave school at 3:10 but we only get 1, 20 minute recess.
Warren – 9

2. What subjects do you learn at school? Do you learn Greek?

We don’t learn Greek but we can pick a language to learn in the middle school. We learn History, Science,
Math, Reading, Writing, Art, Music, Physical Education, and Media (computers).
Nyah – 9

3. Do you do any sports at your school?

At school we play soccer (football), basketball, and kickball. Some of us play soccer, basketball, baseball,
American football, or take dance after school.
Micheal – 9

4. Where is your school located?

We live in a small city called Beacon. It is about 1 hour north of New York City. We live right on the Hudson
Regan – 9

5. Does anyone of the students in your school come from another country? If so, how many students are they and where do they come from?

We have a student that comes from Albania, one that comes from Mexico, one that comes from Poland, and
about 4 students have parents that come from other countries but they were born here.
Anastazia – 9

6. What do you like about your country?

I live all the different movies and music like dance music, rock, and country.
Nathalia – 9

I like all our mountains, beaches, and big cities.
Jordan – 9

I like all the different people that live in America.
Alzona – 9

7. What is the climate like in America?

Where we live we have cold winters with snow, warm springs with rain, hot summers, and cool in the fall. Other places are different.
Mia – 9

8. Which animals live there?

There are a lot of squirels, chipmunks, deer, foxes, turkeys, all different birds. We also have some bears and last year a moose was in our town but that was weird. Some farms have cows, pigs, and chickens.
Mia – 9

9. Is there any special food in your country?

We have a lot of different food but the classes favorite is pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, and turkey.
Christian – 9

10. Do you have any customs there? If so, could you mention some?

We celebrate Christmas by getting a christmas tree and giving presents.
Brandon – 9

We celebrate July 4th, our country’s birthday by having picnics and fireworks. We also have Thanksgiving in November. We have Turkey and a lot of other food.
Caitlin – 9

We have parades on Memorial day and labor day. What are some of your customs?
Krista – 9

11. What do you do in your free time?

I play sports or play video games.
Warren – 9

I like to draw or read a book and I dance.
Ila – 9

I play with my friends or watch TV.
Josh – 9

12. What are your favourite games?

My favorite vidoe game is Wii or playstation 3
Jordan – 9

I like to play monopoly or clue
Caitlin – 9

My favorite game is Call of Duty MW3
Christian – 9

13. What kind of music do you listen to?

Katy Perry, Micheal Jackson, Chris Brown, Rihanna, Shakira, Selena Gomez, Jay Z, Usher

14. Do you know anything about Greece?

We learned about Greeces geography, myths, and famous people.
Alexa – 9

We learned about all the things Greece came up with in math, science, and building like the columes.
Shane – 9

We learned about all the stuff we got from Greece like democracy, building, math, science. We also learned about the cool myths, like Zues and Athena and Hades and a bunch more.
Caitlin – 9

15. Have you ever come to Greece?

no but it looks very pretty and there are a lot of cool things like the parthanon. I would love to see it. What other cool things could I see.
Mia – 9

16. Which places would you suggest us to visit in America?

You should definately see New York City and the buildings there. Also the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State building.
Regan – 9

You should go see the Grand Canyon, Disney World, Nagra Falls, Mount Rushmore, and the beaches in Florida and California.
Warren – 9

You should go to Washington DC they have a lot of cool mounuments and museumes
Brandon – 9

You should go to the Museum of Natural History in New York City it is Awesome.
Arianna – 9

Ήταν πολύ διασκεδαστική για τα παιδιά αυτή η διαδικασία επικοινωνίας και ανταλλαγής πληροφοριών και θα ήθελα απλά να τους ενθαρρύνω για παρόμοιες μελλοντικές εργασίες και αυτός είναι ο σκοπός της δημοσίευσης!
Βάλια Παπαχριστοπούλου

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