
Leonardo da Vinci: Forster Codex

Overall View

Authored Books 02
Authored Journals 04
Proceedings Editor 03
Book Chapters 14
Journals 14
Invited Sessions / Workshops 14
Online Conferences 05
Onsite Conferences 64
Online Papers 01
Other 07

*Slideshare Selected Presentations

Important Notice: this material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by author(s). All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by Creative Commons.

Authored/Edited Books

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Romero, M. (2009). Educational Social Software. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global Publishing.

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Zaphiris, P. (2006). User-Centred Design of Online Learning Communities. Hershey, PA, USA: Idea Publishing.

Authored/Edited Journals

+ Lambropoulos, N., Romero, M. & Kommers, P. (2011). Community-based Innovation: Designing Shared Spaces for Collaborative Creativity. Special Issue for the International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC) ISSN (Online): 1741-8216 – ISSN (Print): 1477-8394. (accepted)

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Vivitsou, M. (2011). Distributed Leadership and Online Communities. Special Issue for the Journal of Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

+ Zaphiris, P., Lambropoulos, N. & Zacharia, G. (2005), (Eds). Themes in Education Journal, Special Issue, “Information & Communication Technologies in Diaspora”. Athens: Ellinika Grammata, 2005.

Proceedings Editor

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Culwin, F. (2011). Group Awareness in Games, Work and Learning. LSBU Proceedings Publication for the EuroCAT-CSCL European project.

+ Proceedings of the 1st National Conference for the use of ICT in Education. Scientific Society for the Use of ICT in Primary Education,, 16-17 October, Athens, 2004.

+ Proceedings of the 1st International Conference in ICT in Diaspora, Hellenic Education Office of the Greek Embassy & Cyprus Education Mission. London, 2003.

Book Chapters

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Danis, S. (2011). The Role of Collaboration and Dialogue in Computer Supported Collaborative eLearning. In the Collaborative Book Project ‘A Practical Guide to Online Teaching and Learning II’, British Columbia Campus, Canada. Electronic and printed version.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2010). The eLearning Community Index for Computer Supported Collaborative eLearning. In Daniel, B.K. Handbook of Research on Methods and Techniques for Studying Virtual Communities: Paradigms and Phenomena. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global Publications. (accepted)

+ Vivitsou, M., Lambropoulos, N., Papadimitriou, S., Gkikas, A. & Konetas, D. (2009). Web 2.0 collaborative learning tools dynamics. In Lytras, M. & Ordonez de Pablos, P. (Eds), Knowledge Networks: The Social Software Perspective. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global Publications.

+ Lambropoulos, N., Kampylis, P., Papadimitriou, S., Vivitsou M., Gkikas, A. Minaoglou, N. & Konetas, D. (2008). Hybrid Synergy for Virtual Knowledge Working. In Janet Salmons & Lynn Wilson (Eds) (2008), Handbook of Research on Electronic Collaboration and Organizational Synergy, Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global Publications.

+ Lambropoulos, N., Kampylis, Minaoglou, N., Papadimitriou, S. P., Vivitsou M., Konetas, D., Economakos, E., Gkikas, A., Paraskevas, M., & Grigoropoulos, E.(2008). It is not what the tools can do for us but what we can do with the tools: Re-using multimodal videoconferencing units. In P. Anastasiades, (Ed) (2008) Videoconferencing for Collaborative Learning and Online Education. University of Crete Publications.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2008). Quality Assurance by Design. In the Collaborative Book Project ‘A Practical Guide to Online Teaching and Learning’, British Columbia Campus, Canada. Electronic and printed version.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2007). Preparing the On-line Learners: Information Provision and Intention Setting by Chatbots. Shank, Patti (2007), Online Learning Idea Book. Hershey, PA, USA: Idea Publishing.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2006). User-Centred Design of Online Learning Communities. In Niki Lambropoulos & Panayiotis Zaphiris (Eds) (2006), User-Centred Design of Online Learning Communities. Hershey, PA, USA: Idea Publishing. pp. 1-28.

+ Lambropoulos, N., Christopoulou, M. & Vlachos, K. (2006). Cultural-based Language Learning Objects in CALL. In Zaphiris, & Zacharia, G. (2006). CALL: Computer Assisted Language Learning. Hershey, PA, USA: Idea Publishing, pp. 22-43.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). X-groups’ Research Methodology for Human Resources & Knowledge Management based on eDemocracy. Dasgupta, Subhasish (2005), Encyclopaedia of Virtual Communities and Technologies. Hershey, PA, USA: Idea Publishing, pp. 238-242.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). Online Empathy: Social Consequences for Community Building. Dasgupta, Subhasish (2005), Encyclopaedia of Virtual Communities and Technologies. Hershey, PA, USA: Idea Publishing, pp. 346-348.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). Sociabilty and Usability for Active Participation. Dasgupta, Subhasish (Ed.) (2005), Encyclopaedia of Virtual Communities and Technologies. Hershey, PA, USA: Idea Publishing, pp. 414-416.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (1999) Communicatio Ergo Sum. In Stamoulis, E., Lambrou, K., Katrivesis, T. & Zoukis, N.(1999) (Eds) The Internet. Athens: Maraslio Press, pp. 7-14.

Journal Articles

+ Lambropoulos, N., Faulkner, X. & Culwin, F. (2011). Supporting Social Awareness in Collaborative E-learning. British Journal of Educational Technologies (BJET). (to appear)

+ Romero, M. & Lambropoulos, N. (2011). Internal and external organisation in knowledge construction and convergence in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Submitted in the Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology – (to appear)

download[download id=”28″] REFERENCE: +Lambropoulos, N., Gourdin, A. & Bakharia, A. (2011). Distributed Leadership Collaboration Factors to Support Idea Generation in Computer Supported Collaborative eLearning. Accepted in Lambropoulos, N. & Vivitsou, M. (2011). Distributed Leadership and Online Communities. Special Issue for the Journal of Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

+ Lambropoulos, N., Culwin, F. & Romero, M. (2010). HCI Education to Support Collaborative eLearning Systems Design. ACM eLearn Magazine: Education & Technology in Perspective.  (view online:

+ Demeure, V., Romero, M. & Lambropoulos, N. (2010). Assessment of e-learners’ temporal patterns in an online collaborative writing task. eLearn Center Research Paper Series, 0(1), 5-16.d (available online)

+ Vivitsou, M., Lambropoulos, N., Konetas, D., Paraskevas, M. & Grigoropoulos, E. (2008). The Project Method e-course: the use of tools towards the evolution of the Greek teachers’ online community. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning, 18(1), 26-39. (

+ Vivitsou, M., Lambropoulos, N. & Paraskevas, M. (2006). The Teachers in the Life-long Learning of the 21st Century: The example of the Greek Schools Network. Aspects Today Journal, Greek Association of English Teachers working in Public Education (PEKADE). Athens, 2006. pp. 22-34.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). Greek Teacher’s CoP: learning web design together in the Greek National Schools Network. Aspects Today Journal, Greek Association of English Teachers working in Public Education (PEKADE). Athens, 2005.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). EEEP Online Community of Practice: The First to Boldly Go in Greece. In “Open Education”, The Journal for Open and Distance Education and Educational Technology. Volume 2, 2005, pp. 29-56.

+ Christopoulou, M., Lambropoulos, N. (2005). Art Education and the Internet: Learning about Visual Culture through Web-page Construction in Communities of Practice. Education & the New Technologies, October 2005. ISSN 1790-0964, 7(3), pp. 24-29. Scientific Society for the Valorization of ICT in Education.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). Greek Teacher’s CoP: learning web design together in the Greek National Schools Network. Greek Association of English Teachers working in Public Education (PEKADE) December 2005. (invited paper)

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Christopoulou, M. (2005). Cultural-based Learning Objects: a Proposal for the Greek Diaspora. In Zaphiris, P., Lambropoulos, N. & Zacharia, G. (2005) Special Issue “Information & Communication Technologies in Diaspora” by the Themes in Education Journal University of Ioannina. Athens: Ellinika Grammata.

down[download id=”5″] REFERENCE: + Lambropoulos, N., Birmbas, A. (2004). Centrifugal Decision Making for the Greek Language Teachers in the U.K. Scientific Society for the Use of ICT in Primary Education, Journal for the Education and New Technologies, Volume 2.

Online Conferences

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Vivitsou M. (2010). Collective Intelligence and Idea Generation in eLearning Environmens. Education for the Digital World, Future of Education Series on Elluminate. British Columbia University, Vancouver, Canada. On Slideshare to download (comments included)

+ Lambropoulos, N., Paraskevas, M., Kampylis, P., Economakos, E., Konetas, D., Papadimitriou, S., Vivitsou, M., Minaoglou, N. & Gkikas, A. (2007). Re-using Multi-Point Videoconferencing Modules as Learning Objects in Collaborative e-Learning Discussions,» accepted JISC Innovating e-Learning Conference, 2007.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2006). Online Communities. ALBERTA ONLINE CONSORTIUM, Online Education for all learners, Online Learning Symposium 2006, 8-10 November, Calgary TELUS Convention Centre. (Invitated presentation)

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2006). Integration of Pedagogical and Operational Levels for Quality Assurance in Instructional Design: a Moodle example. In the online conference ‘VLEs: Pedagogy and Implementation, the theory and practice of learning platforms and virtual learning environments’. 16 – 19 October, 2006.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2006). Quality Assurance in Online Learning. The Collaborative Book Project British Columbia University, Canada. Thursday 27 April 2006

Conference Sessions/Workshops

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Culwin, F. (2010). Group Awareness in Online Work, Learning & Games. In the Proceedings of the 24th HCI 2010 Conference, Dundee, Scotland.

+ Lambropoulos, N.  (2009). User Innovation Networks. Experts session in HCII 09 Conference, July 2009, San Diego, CA.

Invited Workshops


+ Lambropoulos, N. & Culwin, F. (2010). Tools and evaluation techniques to support social awareness in CSCL. EuroCAT workshop presentation, February 2010, Barcelona, Spain.

+ Romero, M., Lambropoulos, N. (2010). Virtual Campus International session/workshop within the ExpoElearning 2010.


+ Lambropoulos, N. & Culwin, F. (2009). Tools to Support Interaction & Cognitive Awareness in CSCL . Workshop in the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. CSCL2009: CSCL Practices. June 8-13, 2009, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2009). E-Learning Social Network Analysis for Social Awareness. In the Proceedings of the IFIP WG9.5 “Virtuality and Society” International Workshop on Images of Virtuality: Conceptualizations and Applications in Everyday Life, April 23-24, 2009, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece.

+ Lambropoulos, N., Culwin, F & Romero, M. (2009). Human-Computer Interaction Education for the Euro-CAT-CSCL Project: Design Issues in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Learn for Life Conference, BCIM, LSBU,09 July 2009.

+ Romero, M. & Lambropoulos, N. (2009). Euro-CAT-CSCL: the Project Idea. EU Research Seminar, London South Bank University, 19 May 2009.

+ Kampylis, P. & Lambropoulos, N. (2009). Empowerment of teachers/trainers via online collaborative LMS. Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers e-Courses for Life Long Learning: Introducing the forthcoming e-Training on Project Method and Collaborative Creativity for Music Teachers.14-15 February, 2009, Independent Science & Technology Studies & University of Hertfordshire, UK in Athens, Greece.

+Lambropoulos, N. & Kampylis, P. (2009). Teachers’ In-service Training on Collaborative Creativity with Moodle LMS. Workshop on New Technologies for Life-Long Learning, Comenius EU Project at the Northumberland Park Community School & the Institute of Education, University of London, 22 – 25 January 2009, London, UK.


down[download id=”14″] REFERENCE:+ Lambropoulos, N., Vivitsou, M. & Gkikas, A. (2008). Collaborative Learning in Web 2.0. From Theory to Practice. Online workshop organised by the University of Crete, EDIAMME between Greece (Athens & Crete) and Cyprus (Pafos). Project Odysseas, 4 April, 2008.

+ Vivitsou, M, Lambropoulos, N. & Gkikas, A. (2008). Teaching with Web 2.0 collaborative tools and applications. Presentation at the workshop for the Greek German Language teachers at the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. The workshop was organised by German Teachers Association and the Office for the Web Educational Portal ( Athens, 12 March 2008.

+ Vivitsou, M, Gkikas, A. & Lambropoulos, N. (2008). From Web 1.0 to Web.20: Tools and Techniques for the 21st Century Education. Presentation at the workshop for the Greek French Language teachers at the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. The workshop was organised by APF (L’Association des Professeurs de Français, and the Office for the Web Educational Portal ( Athens, 20 February 2008.

+ Vivitsou, M., Konetas, D., Papadimitriou, S., Gkikas, A. & Lambropoulos, N. (2008). Alternative digital techniques and tools to build Greek teachers’ profile. Presentation at the workshop for the Greek English Language teachers at the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. The workshop was organised by the English Teachers Association (Pan-Hellenic Association of Teachers of English in Primary and Secondary State Education, and the Office for the Web Educational Portal ( Athens, 20 March 2008.

Onsite Conferences


+ Lambropoulos, N., Romero, M. & Todeschini, C. (2011). EuroCAT, a Collaboration Awareness Tool aiming to enhance organisation in collaborative learning activities. ICT Demonstration. In the EARLI CONFERENCE 2011, Education for a Global Networked Society, 30 August – 3 September 2011, Exeter, UK.


+ Lambropoulos, N. (2010). Group-Awareness Guidelines to Support Online Collaboration in CSCW-L. In the Proceedings of the 24th HCI 2010 Conference, Dundee, Scotland. Also on Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC) Published by the British Computer Society (BCS)

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Vivitsou, M. (2010). Hellenic Teachers’ Life-Long Learning Skills Validation via Interactive ePortfolios. In the Proceedings of the Learning Forum, ePortfolio – Key Competencies – Identity, London, 5 – 7 July 2010, Savoy Place, London (

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Culwin, F. (2010). Group Awareness in Online Work, Learning & Games. In the Proceedings of the 24th HCI 2010 Conference, Dundee, Scotland.

down + Lambropoulos, N. & Culwin, F. (2010). Tools and evaluation techniques to support social awareness in CSCL. EuroCAT workshop presentation, February 2010, Barcelona, Spain.  (Slideshare presentation with audio) [download id=”26″]

down + Romero, M., Lambropoulos, N., Culwin, F., Marine, C., Castello, M & Monereo, C. (2010). Collaboration Awareness Tool (Euro-CAT) for communication, coordination and knowledge convergence in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). In the Proceedings of the Online EDUCA, 2-4 December, 2009, Berlin, Germany. [download id=”25″]


+ Lambropoulos, N., Kampylis, P. & Bakharia, A. (2009). User Innovation Networks and Research Challenges. In the Proceedings of the HCII 09 Conference, July 2009, San Diego, CA.

+ Daskolia, M., Lambropoulos, N. & Kampylis, P. (2009). In the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. CSCL2009: CSCL Practices, pp. 85-87. June 8-13, 2009, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece.

+ Lambropoulos, N., Culwin, F & Romero, M. (2009). Human-Computer Interaction Education for the Euro-CAT-CSCL Project: Design Issues in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Learn for Life Conference, BCIM, LSBU,09 July 2009.

+ Lambropoulos, N., & Kampylis, P. (2009). Fostering collaborative creativity and metacognitive awareness in e-learning framework – The case of Hybrid Synergy Tag tool. In the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Greek Association of Primary Education Music Teachers, Athens, Greece.


+ Papadimitriou S., Lambropoulos, N. & Vivitsou, M. (2008). Greek Teachers’ Social Networking for collaboration and co-creation on Facebook: A Case Study. In the Proceedings of the 5th National Conference for the Use of ICT in Education. Scientific Society for the Valorization of ICT in Education (EEEP), 4-5 October, Athens, 2008.

+ Gkikas, A., Konetas, D., Vivitsou, M., Economakos, I., Lambropoulos, N. & Minaoglou, N. (2008). Web 2.0 Online Collaborative Tools in the Educational Practice: Experiences and conclusions from the use of Wiki in the Secondary Education. In the Proceedings of the 5th National Conference for the Use of ICT in Education. Scientific Society for the Valorization of ICT in Education (EEEP), 4-5 October, Athens, 2008.

+Lambropoulos, N. (2008). Online Research Methodologies. Poster presentation at the ‘Celebrating Research at LSBU’ Conference, 26 June 2008. London South Bank University.

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Papadimitriou, S. (2008). The Greek Teachers’ group on Facebook: Can moderators create a sense of community and how? Presentation at the workshop ‘Designing for the 21st Century: Using Web 2.0 Technologies (and Social Networking Tools) for Social Action’ – 11/12th March, London.


down[download id=”13″] REFERENCE:+ Papadimitriou, S., Lambropoulos, N., Kampylis, P., Minaoglou, N., Vivitsou, M., Konetas, D., Paraskevas, M., Economakos, E. & Gkikas, A. (2007). Reusing Videoconferencing Learning Objects in Online Greek teachers’ Training at the Greek School Network. In the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference in Open and Distance Learning: Forms of Democracy in Education: Open Access and Distance Education. 23 – 25 November 2007. Athens, Greece.

down[download id=”6″] REFERENCE:+ Vivitsou, M., Gkikas, A., Minaoglou, N., Konetas, D., Economakos, I., Lambropoulos, N. & Paraskevas, M. (2007). Blogs as Tools for Collaboration and Learning in the Greek School Network’s Teachers’ Community. In the Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference for the Use of ICT in Education. Scientific Society for the Valorization of ICT in Education (EEEP), 6-8 October, Athens, 2007.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2007). The Evolution of Online Discussions in Images. EVA Conference, The Interdisciplinary Workshop, London College of London College of Communications, University of the Arts London, 11-13 July 2007.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2007). Tools and Evaluation Techniques for Online Learning Communities. Presentation at the 2007 ICR Plenary Day, Institute of Computing Research, London South Bank University.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2007). Plans and Situated Actions Revisited: a Way to Educational Social Computing. Women in Computing Research: the Hopper Colloquium London Hopper 2007 at British Computer Society (BCS) London Office, 1 May 2007.

+ Gkikas, A., Konetas, D., Vivitsou, M., Lambropoulos, N. & Economakos, E. (2007). Students’ Active Participation in projects by using Blogs in Primary & Secondary Education. 17-20, 2007.

+ Konetas, D., Vivitsou, M. & Lambropoulos, N. (2007). A Pilot Implementation of a Cooperative Lesson (A)-Synchronous Online Education in the Greek School Network: the process and conclusions. Pan-Hellenic Association of Secondary Greek Teachers. Athens Capodistrian University. 21-22 April 2007.

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Robbins, M.S (2007). Web 2.0 Tools & IMS Learning Design: a Moodle example. EduGeek, BETT Show, Kensington Olympia, Saturday 13 January 2007.


+ Konetas, D., Vivitsou, M. & Lambropoulos N. (2006). Integrating ICT and Art for Environmental Education Projects Using Project Management Methodology. In the Proceedings of the 2nd Conference for the Environmental Education Projects, 15-17 December 2006, Athens, Greece.

+ Vivitsou, M., Konetas, D. & Lambropoulos, N. (2006). Design for Collaboration and Action in Online Education. In the Proceedings of the 3rd Pre-conference event by EEMAPE, the Greek Music teachers’ Association in Primary Education. Pereus, 11-12 November 2006.

+ Lambropoulos, N., Konetas, D. & Vivitsou, M. N. (2006). An Online Course Model for the Greek Schools Network. n the Proceedings of the 4th Pre-conference event by EEMAPE, the Greek Music teachers’ Association in Primary Education. Patra, 25-26 November 2006.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2006). Quality in Online Education. EVA Conference, The Interdisciplinary Workshop, UCL, 26-28 July 2006.

+ Vivitsou, M., Lambropoulos, N. & Konetas, D. (2006). Project Management: An Example from the Greek Schools Network e-Learning. In the Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference for the Use of ICT in Education. Scientific Society for the Valorization of ICT in Education (EEEP),, 30 September – 1 October, Athens, 2006. ISBN 960-88368-3-2.

down[download=7] REFERENCE:+ Lambropoulos, N. (2006). Instructional Engineering for the e-Learning Service in the Greek Schools Network. In the Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference for the Use of ICT in Education. Scientific Society for the Valorization of ICT in Education (EEEP), 30 September – 1 October, Athens, 2006.

+ Christopoulou, M. & Lambropoulos, N. (2006). The Use of Collaborative Learning Objects in Art Education: a proposal for Visual Culture Education in the Primary School. In the Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference for the Use of ICT in Education. Scientific Society for the Valorization of ICT in Education (EEEP), 30 September – 1 October, Athens, 2006.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2006). Quality for Online Education: Tools and Evaluation Techniques for Online Learning Communities. Presentation at the 2006 ICR Plenary Day, Institute of Computing Research, London South Bank University.


+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). Interaction Design for Collective Construction of Knowledge in eLearning: the Process of Learners’ Contribution. In the Proceedings, ICODL 2005, 3rd International Conference on Open and Distance Learning: ‘Applications of Pedagogy and Technology’. Hellenic Open University, Hellenic Network of Open & Distance Education. 11 – 13 November 2005, Patras, Greece.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). Greek Teacher’s CoP: learning web design together in the Greek National Schools Network. Greek Association of English Teachers working in Public Education (PEKADE) 17-18 September, Athens, 2005.

+ Christopoulou, M & Lambropoulos, N. (2005). Art Education, Informal Learning and the Internet: Learning about Visual Culture through Web-page Construction. In the Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference for the Use of ICT in Education. Scientific Society for the Valorization of ICT in Education, htp:// 15-16 October, Athens, 2005. pp. 14-16.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). Neomillennial eLearning Environments and Agent-oriented Perspectives for Open Universities at the Age of Ubiquitous Computing. E-Learn 2005–World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. Vancouver, Canada, October 24-28, 2005.

down[download id=”8″] REFERENCE:+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). User-Designer HCI Research Model for Online Communities Groupz-ware. In the Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Usability and Internationalization, in the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2005, 22-27 July, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc (LEA).

down [download id=”9″] REFERENCE:+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). Sociability and Usability for Contribution based on Situated Informal Learning and Consensus Knowledge Building in Online Communities. In the Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Online Communities and Social Computing, in the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2005, 22-27 July, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc (LEA).

down [download id=”10″] REFERENCE:+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). Paradise lost? Primary Empathy in Online Communities of Interest and Ways of Use. In the Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Online Communities and Social Computing, in the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2005, 22-27 July, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc (LEA).


+ Lambropoulos, N. (2004). Greek Teachers’ Online Community of Practice: who we are, what we do and how. In Grigoriadou, M., Raptis, A., Vosniadou, S. & Kinigos, H. (Eds) ‘Proceeding of the 4th Conference in ICT in Education’, Athens, 29 September – 3 October, 2004. Hellenic Scientific Society of Information and Communication Technologies in Education,, Athens, 2004: 389-398.

down[download id=”11″] REFERENCE:+ Lambropoulos, N. & Christopoulou, M. (2004). Cultural-based Learning Objects framework in Greek Diaspora. In Grigoriadou, M., Raptis, A., Vosniadou, S. & Kinigos, H. (Eds) ‘Proceeding of the 4th Conference in ICT in Education’, Athens, 29 September – 3 October, 2004. Hellenic Scientific Society of Information and Communication Technologies in Education,, Athens, 2004:729-736.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2004). Greek Teachers’ Online Community of Practice: Life-Long Learning in Practice. ALT-C 2004, the 11th International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT), Blue skies and pragmatism: learning technologies for the next decade. Exeter, U.K. 2004. (pp. 102-103).

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Christopoulou, M. (2004). Cultural-based Learning Objects: a Proposal for the Greek Diaspora. ALT-C 2004, the 11th International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT), Blue skies and pragmatism: learning technologies for the next decade. Exeter, U.K. 2004. (pp. 92-93)

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2004). Greek Teachers’ Online Community of Practice: who we are, what we do and how. In L. Cantoni & C. McLoughlin (Eds.), Proceedings, ED-MEDIA, the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Lugano, Switzerland, 2004 (pp. 2014-19).

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Christopoulou, M. (2004). Cultural-based Learning Objects in a blended environment for Greek and Greek-Cypriot students in U.K. In L. Cantoni & C. McLoughlin (Eds.), Proceedings, ED-MEDIA, the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Lugano, Switzerland, 2004 (1861-68).

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2004). Intelligent Dynamic Enquiry for Innovation Technology: towards Multi-Agent Systems. In the Proceedings of the Conference Artificial Intelligence and Applications, AIA 2004 as part of the Twenty-Second IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics. Austria: Innsbruck: 183-188.

down[download id=”12″] REFERENCE:+ Lambropoulos, N. (2004). From the class to the e-class and back: blended learning in the Greek schools. In the Proceedings of the 1st National Conference for the Use of ICT in Education. Scientific Society for the Valorization of ICT in Education,, 16-17 October, Athens, 2004 (in Greek).

+ Lambropoulos, N., Birmpas, A. (2004). Teachers’ CoP Participation in Governmental Decision Making: Centrifugal Decision Making in Education. Proceedings in KEDEK,, Centre of Multicultural Education, University of Patras, 2004.

+ Lambropoulos, N. & Christopoulou, M. (2004). Cultural-based Learning Objects: a Proposal for the Greek Diaspora. Proceedings in KEDEK,, Centre of Multicultural Education, University of Patras, 2004.


+ Lambropoulos, N. (2003). ECLASS GUNET Learning Management System & Blended Learning. In the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference in ICT in Diaspora, Hellenic Education Office of the Greek Embassy & Cyprus Education Mission. London, 2003, pp. 1-16.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2003). The Creative Helix. In Proceedings, The Symmetry Festival, Budapest 2003.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2003) The Creative Helix. Proceedings of the International Nonlinear Sciences Conference Research and Applications in the Life Sciences. Vienna 2003.

+ Lambropoulos, N., Kritikos, C. (2003). E-Learning Greek as a second language: future approaches. Proceedings in KEDEK, Centre of Multicultural Education, University of Patras, 2003.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2002). Project/IRIS: I.C.T. Projects for the Hellenic Education in the U.K. Proceedings of the Annual Conference for the Hellenic Education in the U.K. London 2002.

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2001). Distance Education Proceedings of the Annual Conference for the Hellenic Education in the U.K. London 2001.

Online Papers

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2000) Creative Process: a Constellation of Chaotic Nexus Interjournal by the New England Complex Systems Institute, Cambridge 2000.


+ Lambropoulos, N. (2005). EEEP Online Community of Practice: The First to Boldly Go in Greece. In the Scientific Society for the Valorization of ICT in Primary Education

+ Lambropoulos, N. (2004). Centrifugal Decision Making for a new e-government: the role of online communities. In eGoverment Online Net, U.K. and e-mint Association of Online Community Professionals.

+ The Independent and Thinking Spectator: following Brecht in time Marasleiako Vima.

+ Emotional Intelligence School and Life Journal.

+ What is E.Q.? (Emotional Quotient) Marasleiako Vima.

+ Depression: an Introverted Aggression Marasleiako Vima.

+ The Universality of Art University & Communication Newspaper.