I would like to celebrate Friendship Day with my friend George. He’s been my friend since 2nd grade. He is tall and thin with fair hair and green eyes. His […]

Hello  everyone ! Today  I’d  like  to  talk  to  you  about  friendship. Did  you  know  that  in  some  countries  people  celebrate  their  friendships   by  organizing  special  festivals? In  India, Friendship […]

Παιδιά ηρεμία! Έρχονται οι εξετάσεις γλωσσομάθειας! Ακολουθήστε τις οδηγίες στο βιντεάκι και να ‘στε σίγουροι ότι θα πετύχετε.   How to Study for a Test Download How to Study for […]