Εύχομαι το νέο έτος να είναι ευχισμένο, παραγωγικό και δημιουργικό τόσο για τους μαθητές όσο και για εμάς τους εκπαιδευτικούς!!!

Κατηγορίες: Χωρίς κατηγορία | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο ΕΥΧΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ΝΕΟ ΕΤΟΣ

Let’s get ready!!! Carnival is coming!!!

The Apokriés, or Carnival season, is about to begin in Greece once again, and people of all ages are looking forward to disguising themselves in masquerades, celebrate and engage in pranks and general revelry, and burn the effigy of King Carnival on the last Sunday of the celebrations. The Apokriés celebrations last for three weeks and commence 60 days before Easter, biding farewell to meat consumption and preparing the faithful for the Lent.

The season is also called the Opening of the Triodion, named after the liturgical book used by the church from then until the Holy Week. The first week is called Profoni or Profonesimi (because people would loudly announce the ar), in which people prepare their pigs to be slaughtered for the coming Meat Week.

That includes one of the season’s most anticipated day, the so called Tsiknopémpti, when people traditionally go to taverns and eat roast beef or any other meat in big portions to fulfill themselves for the third and last week, when no meat is allowed, although for many that’s symbolic and they continue eating meat anyway. This week, right before Lent begins, is called Tyrini (tyri is the Greek word for cheese) because eating meat is not allowed, but dairy products are. The Great Lent begins on Clean Monday, the day after Cheese Sunday.

Tracing the past of the Greek carnival, its cultural connection to the ancient cult of Dionysus, god of wine, celebration and ecstasy according to the Greek Mythology, is evident. The pagan rituals celebrating nature’s rebirth during the famed ancient festival of Dionysia taking place in Athens were passed on to the Romans .





Κατηγορίες: Χωρίς κατηγορία | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο Let’s get ready!!! Carnival is coming!!!

Carnival is coming!!! Let’s have some fun!

The Apokriés, or Carnival season, is about to begin in Greece once again, and people of all ages are looking forward to disguising themselves in masquerades, celebrate and engage in pranks and general revelry, and burn the effigy of King Carnival on the last Sunday of the celebrations. The Apokriés celebrations last for three weeks and commence 60 days before Easter, biding farewell to meat consumption and preparing the faithful for the Lent.

The season is also called the Opening of the Triodion, named after the liturgical book used by the church from then until the Holy Week. The first week is called Profoni or Profonesimi (because people would loudly announce the ar), in which people prepare their pigs to be slaughtered for the coming Meat Week.

That includes one of the season’s most anticipated day, the so called Tsiknopémpti, when people traditionally go to taverns and eat roast beef or any other meat in big portions to fulfill themselves for the third and last week, when no meat is allowed, although for many that’s symbolic and they continue eating meat anyway. This week, right before Lent begins, is called Tyrini (tyri is the Greek word for cheese) because eating meat is not allowed, but dairy products are. The Great Lent begins on Clean Monday, the day after Cheese Sunday.

Tracing the past of the Greek carnival, its cultural connection to the ancient cult of Dionysus, god of wine, celebration and ecstasy according to the Greek Mythology, is evident. The pagan rituals celebrating nature’s rebirth during the famed ancient festival of Dionysia taking place in Athens were passed on to the Romans who honored Dionysus’ transformation of Bacchus with the Bacchanalia, an equally important event as the Saturnalia.



Κατηγορίες: Χωρίς κατηγορία | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο Carnival is coming!!! Let’s have some fun!

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Κατηγορίες: Χωρίς κατηγορία | 1 σχόλιο