Συμβουλές για σπουδές στην Αγγλία

Σκέφτεστε να πάτε για σπουδές στην Αγγλία αλλά δεν ξέρετε απο που να ξεκινήσετε; Έτσι ένιωθα και εγώ πριν πάω να σπουδάσω εκεί. Ευτυχώς βρήκα ένα φροντιστήριο Αγγλικών στα Γιάννενα (δυστυχώς έχει κλείσει πια) που με βοήθησε με τις αιτήσεις, με κατεύθυνε και γενικά με προετοίμασε κατάλληλα. Αν ξεκινούσα πάλι τώρα και δεν έβρισκα ένα αντίστοιχο φροντιστήριο (που δεν ξέρω αν υπάρχει στα Γιάννενα τουλάχιστον), θα έψαχνα πληροφορίες στο ίντερνετ ή θα απευθυνόμουν στο Βρετανικό Συμβούλιο.

Αν ψάχνετε λοιπόν απο που να ξεκινήσετε ρίξτε μια ματιά στο παραπάνω άρθρο. Και ρωτήστε με για ό,τι χρειαστείτε!

Εκμάθηση Αγγλικών μέσω ταινιών





Τι πιο ωραίο απο το να μαθαίνουν τα παιδιά την ξένη γλώσσα βιωματικά; Να την χρειάζονται δηλαδή προκειμένω να καταλάβουν μια ταινία που τους αρέσει και τους τραβάει το ενδιαφέρον και όχι προκειμένω να να συμπληρώσουν μια βαρετή άσκηση;

Διαβάστε το παραπάνω άρθρο για το πως να το κάνετε με τον σωστό τρόπο!

Discussion: What do you and the teachers wear to your school? (Write your comments in the comments section!)

High school in the UK


It’s interesting to have a chance to teach English abroad because you get to see a completely different education system from the one you experienced. I am teaching in Belgium this year and I have noticed that there are some big differences.

In the UK, for example, as many of you will know, it is common to wear a school uniform. This is for egalitarian reasons: if students all wear the same thing then, in theory, they will feel less excluded as everyone looks the same. It is also nice to wear a school uniform because you don’t have to think about what to wear in the morning; you just put on your uniform and off you go. This saves a lot of time as you don’t have to worry about what to wear, what looks nice and what is fashionable.

Another difference I have noticed also concerns clothing: teachers dress in a more relaxed way in Belgium. They wear jeans and trainers for example. In my experience in the UK, teachers dress much more formally to work in a school. They wear similar things to the people who work in an office: shirt and tie for men; dresses, skirts, dark trousers and shirts for women. With this in mind, I bought a new pair of black shoes for my new job as a language assistant, assuming it would be inappropriate to wear my Converse to work. (I was wrong, haha!)

As I am working with older students (who are aged from 16 to 18) I have also noticed that they have a lot more subjects than I did at their age. In the UK, at 16 you enter ‘sixth form’ and you have to choose four subjects (five if you have very good grades). Some people like this, as it means you do not have to study subjects you don’t like. Others feel that it is too early to make such a big choice, because the subjects you choose at 16 will have an impact on what you can study at university. Me? I loved this system. I threw myself into my four favourite subjects and I am grateful for the experience I had.

by : PaulineBlogger2017 (British Council)

Discussion: How can we feel good about the way we look, even when the media try to make us feel bad? (Write your comments in the comments section!)

EveryBODY is beautiful

Her legs are longer, her smile is brighter and even her teeth are whiter. We’ve all been there before; you’re looking through a magazine and as you see yourself, you feel depressed because your hips are just too wide, your skin too blemished and your lips too thin to ever be one of these women. But no one can be because they don’t exist. OK, so yes, the models are real people, but the image of them is not. These images have been edited more times than your text message to that guy you really like. Yet, we are still encouraged, no, told by the media that this is how we should look. This is what is beautiful. And apps like ‘FaceTune’ target us, showing us that using their face editing app we too can acquire such looks. But what happens when the phone isn’t there and you see just you in the mirror. Does it feel enough?

It should. Rather than blaming ourselves, starting crazy diets and cringing at every photo we’re in, we need to stop trying to achieve these impossible standards of what is supposedly beautiful and embrace our own unique beauty. Beauty which means you may have got your big nose from your dad but it has been passed down from generation to generation like a family heirloom. Beauty which means a ‘bikini body’ is simply you in a bikini. Beauty which means you are not afraid to go out in the sun because it’ll darken your skin, because this is part of who you are. And whether it’s a freckle on your elbow or a birthmark on your back, it’s almost like a physical stamp, your own personal trademark to say this is what makes me individual, what makes me, me! So, enjoy being you, smile at the world and let your unique beauty shine through.

By:ElsaBlogger2017 (British Council)


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